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Bob Webster Original Artwork

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Bob Webster Original Artwork Empty Bob Webster Original Artwork

Post by Neil Mattingly Tue Apr 17, 2012 3:17 pm

I have 2 Bob Webster original artworks that I'm looking to sell and thought I would post here before Ebay.

Bob worked on the Beano, Hotspur and Sparky comics and was tasked with reworking Pansy Potter the Strongman's Daughter for Sparky in the 60's. He also illustrated Enid Blyton stories.
One signed artwork is a model sheet for Pansy Potter and the other is some studies for a girl character I've not seen before plus a beautiful study of 2 old boys with a stop watch. Great chance to own the work of a celebrated talent offers over £60 for the 2 (inc post and packing.
Contact me at nmattingly@live.co.uk
img]Bob Webster Original Artwork Bob_we24[/img]
[img]Bob Webster Original Artwork Bob_we25[/img]

Neil Mattingly

Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-04-10

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