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"The Green Arrows of the World"

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"The Green Arrows of the World" Empty "The Green Arrows of the World"

Post by MajorHoy Wed Sep 09, 2020 1:48 am

Batman had "The Batmen of All Nations" in late 1954.
Then Green Arrow had "The Green Arrows of the World" in Adventure Comics #250 (July 1958).
"The Green Arrows of the World" -_000_97
"The Green Arrows of the World" -_002_61
"The Green Arrows of the World" -_003_31
"The Green Arrows of the World" -_004_20
"The Green Arrows of the World" -_005_21
"The Green Arrows of the World" -_006_19

Does anybody know if any of these guys ever showed up in another Green Arrow story?

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Join date : 2012-06-17
Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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