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Wild Huntsman (Albrecht von Mannheim), Hero of Germany

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Wild Huntsman (Albrecht von Mannheim), Hero of Germany Empty Wild Huntsman (Albrecht von Mannheim), Hero of Germany

Post by MajorHoy Sun Sep 13, 2020 9:09 pm

The Wild Huntsman was the last member of the Global Guardians to be introduced during their appearances in the pages of 1976's Super Friends comic book series.

First appearance: Super Friends #45 (June 1981):
Wild Huntsman (Albrecht von Mannheim), Hero of Germany _000_c10
Wild Huntsman (Albrecht von Mannheim), Hero of Germany _000a_10
Wild Huntsman (Albrecht von Mannheim), Hero of Germany _000b_10
Wild Huntsman (Albrecht von Mannheim), Hero of Germany _000c_10
Wild Huntsman (Albrecht von Mannheim), Hero of Germany _000d_10
Wild Huntsman (Albrecht von Mannheim), Hero of Germany _000e210
And, unfortunately, readers had to wait until the following issue (#46) to actually see the Wild Huntsman in action.

Wild Huntsman (Albrecht von Mannheim), Hero of Germany Wild_h10
from 1986's History of the DC Universe

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Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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