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Beaumont and Sunny Jim ("Class War") - Heroes of England

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Beaumont and Sunny Jim ("Class War") - Heroes of England Empty Beaumont and Sunny Jim ("Class War") - Heroes of England

Post by MajorHoy Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:52 pm

As far as I'm aware, these two characters have only had bit parts (cameo appearances, really) in a couple of stories written by James Robinson for DC.

First appearance: one page in Superman #689 (August 2009):
Beaumont and Sunny Jim ("Class War") - Heroes of England Beaumo10

And from The Shade #11 (October 2012),
Beaumont and Sunny Jim ("Class War") - Heroes of England The_sh10
Beaumont and Sunny Jim ("Class War") - Heroes of England _001_t11
Beaumont and Sunny Jim ("Class War") - Heroes of England _002_t10

At least, I assume that's Sunny Jim:
Beaumont and Sunny Jim ("Class War") - Heroes of England _002sj10

Beaumont and Sunny Jim ("Class War") - Heroes of England _003_t10
Beaumont and Sunny Jim ("Class War") - Heroes of England _004_t10
Beaumont and Sunny Jim ("Class War") - Heroes of England _005_t11
Neither Sunny Jim and Beaumont, nor Knight and Squire, seem to play any further role in that issue.

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Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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Beaumont and Sunny Jim ("Class War") - Heroes of England Empty Re: Beaumont and Sunny Jim ("Class War") - Heroes of England

Post by Barry_Allen Mon Sep 14, 2020 5:32 pm

I had completely missed this Shade series; I was aware that it existed of course, but never managed to follow it, nicely drawn by Frazer Irving, from what we see here Cool I think it should have been collected in Tpbs, is it worth of attention, in your opinion? Wink

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Beaumont and Sunny Jim ("Class War") - Heroes of England Empty Re: Beaumont and Sunny Jim ("Class War") - Heroes of England

Post by MajorHoy Mon Sep 14, 2020 9:17 pm

Barry_Allen wrote:I had completely missed this Shade series; I was aware that it existed of course, but never managed to follow it, nicely drawn by Frazer Irving, from what we see here Cool I think it should have been collected in Tpbs, is it worth of attention, in your opinion? Wink
Well, it came out during the early days of the New 52, starting around the same time as the 6-issue Huntress mini-series that people initially thought featured Helena Bertinelli but turned out to be Helena Wayne from the New 52-version of Earth 2.

It featured a variety of different artists, not just Frazer Irving. (Darwyn Cooke was the artist for an issue where the story was set in 1944.) And there was a tpb collection of all 12 issues released back in 2013.

As to whether you should get it, if you enjoyed Robinson's use of The Shade in his Starman run, you might also enjoy this.

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Join date : 2012-06-17
Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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