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Fleur-de-Lis (Noelle Avril), Heroine of France

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Fleur-de-Lis (Noelle Avril), Heroine of France Empty Fleur-de-Lis (Noelle Avril), Heroine of France

Post by MajorHoy Tue Sep 15, 2020 10:05 pm

First appearance (cameo): Infinity Inc. #34
(cover-dated January 1987, on-sale date of September 23, 1986 per the GCD)
Fleur-de-Lis (Noelle Avril), Heroine of France _from_55
In case you didn't notice her in that issue,
Fleur-de-Lis (Noelle Avril), Heroine of France _001b_20

After that, she made appearances in Blue Beetle #19 (December 1987)
Fleur-de-Lis (Noelle Avril), Heroine of France _002a_16

as well as in issue #20 (January 1988)
Fleur-de-Lis (Noelle Avril), Heroine of France _003a_12
Fleur-de-Lis (Noelle Avril), Heroine of France _003b_12

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Join date : 2012-06-17
Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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