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Doctor Phosphorus (Dr. Alexander Sartorius)

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Doctor Phosphorus (Dr. Alexander Sartorius) Empty Doctor Phosphorus (Dr. Alexander Sartorius)

Post by MajorHoy Wed Sep 23, 2020 1:37 am

First appearance: Detective Comics #469 (May 1977)
Doctor Phosphorus (Dr. Alexander Sartorius) _001_c21
Doctor Phosphorus (Dr. Alexander Sartorius) _001aa11

Doctor Phosphorus (Dr. Alexander Sartorius) _001ab11

Doctor Phosphorus (Dr. Alexander Sartorius) _001ac10
Doctor Phosphorus (Dr. Alexander Sartorius) _001ad10
and for the back-up feature in that issue, there was
Doctor Phosphorus (Dr. Alexander Sartorius) _001z_13
Maybe I'll use that in a future post in this thread . . .

From Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe Vol. VI (August 1985),
Doctor Phosphorus (Dr. Alexander Sartorius) _000_d11

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