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1950s Communiust Red Skull (Albert Malik) - villain

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1950s Communiust Red Skull (Albert Malik) - villain Empty 1950s Communiust Red Skull (Albert Malik) - villain

Post by MajorHoy Wed Oct 07, 2020 9:53 pm

First appearance: Young Men #24 (December 1953)
1950s Communiust Red Skull (Albert Malik) - villain _001_c45
NOTE: The original company that would eventually become Marvel, Timely Comics, had started phasing out its superhero stories in the late 1940s.
With Young Men #24, published under the "Atlas Comics" brand, the company briefly brought back the Human Torch, Sub-Mariner, and Captain America in new stories.  And while the war with the Axis powers had ended years ago, the latest menace in the American public's mind was . . . Communism!

1950s Communiust Red Skull (Albert Malik) - villain _001a_67
1950s Communiust Red Skull (Albert Malik) - villain _001b_60
1950s Communiust Red Skull (Albert Malik) - villain _001c_51
1950s Communiust Red Skull (Albert Malik) - villain _001d_43
1950s Communiust Red Skull (Albert Malik) - villain _001e_36
1950s Communiust Red Skull (Albert Malik) - villain _001e_37

Also worth noting:  the "Steve Rogers" / "Captain America" and "Bucky" seen in the 1950s stories would later be retconned into William Burnside and Jack Monroe in
1950s Communiust Red Skull (Albert Malik) - villain _002_c18

As for the 1950s Red Skull,
1950s Communiust Red Skull (Albert Malik) - villain _000_r10
from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Golden Age (2004)

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