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1950s Communist Electro (villain)

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1950s Communist Electro (villain) Empty 1950s Communist Electro (villain)

Post by MajorHoy Fri Oct 09, 2020 1:27 am

The Golden Age (Timely Comics) period gave us a robot Electro ("The Marvel of the Age!"),
1950s Communist Electro (villain) Electr16
and in the Silver Age (Marvel Comics) Spider-Man fought Max Dillon, a.k.a. Electro.

But between those two periods, when the comic book stories were published under the Atlas comics logo, there was another "Electro"!

First appearance: Captain America #78 (September 1954)
1950s Communist Electro (villain) _001_c46
1950s Communist Electro (villain) _001a_68
1950s Communist Electro (villain) _001b_61
1950s Communist Electro (villain) _001c_52
1950s Communist Electro (villain) _001d_44
1950s Communist Electro (villain) _001e_38
1950s Communist Electro (villain) _001f_23

And when Steve Rogers met the 1950s-era Captain America and Bucky, Electro was one of the villains that the 1950s Cap mentioned as having fought.
1950s Communist Electro (villain) _0072_10
1950s Communist Electro (villain) _0072a10
1950s Communist Electro (villain) Captai52

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