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Crimson Dynamo II (Boris Turgenov) - villain

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Crimson Dynamo II (Boris Turgenov) - villain  Empty Crimson Dynamo II (Boris Turgenov) - villain

Post by MajorHoy Tue Oct 13, 2020 4:32 pm

First appearance: Tales of Suspense #52 (April 1964)
Crimson Dynamo II (Boris Turgenov) - villain  _000_c24
which also happened to be the first appearance of the Silver Age Black Widow, but we'll probably discuss her background in a separate thread some day soon . . .

Crimson Dynamo II (Boris Turgenov) - villain  _001a_82
Also don't forget: for the first man to wear the Crimson Dynamo armor, see:  https://crikey.forumotion.com/t1144-the-original-crimson-dynamo-anton-vanko

Crimson Dynamo II (Boris Turgenov) - villain  _001bb20
Crimson Dynamo II (Boris Turgenov) - villain  _001cc23
Crimson Dynamo II (Boris Turgenov) - villain  _001dd23
Crimson Dynamo II (Boris Turgenov) - villain  _001ee18

And we even get to see a good-ol' reel-to-reel tape player in action!
Crimson Dynamo II (Boris Turgenov) - villain  _001ee19
Anybody else ever remember working with those (and using a razor blade and tape to edit the tape?) Wink

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Join date : 2012-06-17
Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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Crimson Dynamo II (Boris Turgenov) - villain  Empty Re: Crimson Dynamo II (Boris Turgenov) - villain

Post by Barry_Allen Wed Oct 14, 2020 9:29 am

I didn't work with those but I remember very well (and I have some of them, still working!) the recordable (and not only) cassettes! Very Happy

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Crimson Dynamo II (Boris Turgenov) - villain  Empty Re: Crimson Dynamo II (Boris Turgenov) - villain

Post by MajorHoy Wed Oct 14, 2020 4:05 pm

Barry_Allen wrote:I didn't work with those but I remember very well (and I have some of them, still working!) the recordable (and not only) cassettes! Very Happy
Then there were the unfortunate 8-Track tape players of the 1970s. (Man, were those a disaster!)


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Join date : 2012-06-17
Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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Crimson Dynamo II (Boris Turgenov) - villain  Empty Re: Crimson Dynamo II (Boris Turgenov) - villain

Post by Philip K Ditko Wed Oct 14, 2020 8:50 pm

He doesn't look very crimson on the interior pages.
Philip K Ditko
Philip K Ditko

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Crimson Dynamo II (Boris Turgenov) - villain  Empty Re: Crimson Dynamo II (Boris Turgenov) - villain

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