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Golisto - a new social network for collectors

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Golisto - a new social network for collectors Empty Golisto - a new social network for collectors

Post by Barry_Allen Tue Oct 27, 2020 10:41 am

I don't know if you have noticed it but, seeing from some ads appeared especially on Instagram, there is a new social platform out there, called Golisto, which claim itself as new place to "find, organize & showcase all your favourite collectibles, discover the best collectors in the world and get inspired to start your own collection". Exclamation
Basically Golisto aims to be a global community of collectors and thing lovers, sort of a social network for people to discover some collections from around the world, then track their own favourite things and share their passion with like-minded enthusiasts too; the startup which built it was recently funded and with a new board of advisors. Sure Golisto is still in its early stages, appears little and available only in two languages (English and Danish) but, especially from smartphones, it seems it could be fun, has someone already try it? Wink

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Golisto - a new social network for collectors Empty Re: Golisto - a new social network for collectors

Post by tony ingram Wed Oct 28, 2020 10:28 am

Barry_Allen wrote:I don't know if you have noticed it but, seeing from some ads appeared especially on Instagram, there is a new social platform out there, called Golisto, which claim itself as new place to "find, organize & showcase all your favourite collectibles, discover the best collectors in the world and get inspired to start your own collection". Exclamation
Basically Golisto aims to be a global community of collectors and thing lovers, sort of a social network for people to discover some collections from around the world, then track their own favourite things and share their passion with like-minded enthusiasts too; the startup which built it was recently funded and with a new board of advisors. Sure Golisto is still in its early stages, appears little and available only in two languages (English and Danish) but, especially from smartphones, it seems it could be fun, has someone already try it?  Wink
I was unaware of it, but will look into it. Very Happy
tony ingram
tony ingram

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