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Luke Cage ("Hero for Hire" / "Power Man")

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Luke Cage ("Hero for Hire" / "Power Man") Empty Luke Cage ("Hero for Hire" / "Power Man")

Post by MajorHoy Thu Oct 29, 2020 12:44 am

First appearance: Hero for Hire #1 (June 1972)
Luke Cage ("Hero for Hire" / "Power Man") _001_c75
Luke Cage ("Hero for Hire" / "Power Man") _001a106
Luke Cage ("Hero for Hire" / "Power Man") _001b_89
Luke Cage ("Hero for Hire" / "Power Man") _001c_77
Luke Cage ("Hero for Hire" / "Power Man") _001d_67
Luke Cage ("Hero for Hire" / "Power Man") _001e_57
Luke Cage ("Hero for Hire" / "Power Man") _001f_34

Posts : 2812
Join date : 2012-06-17
Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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