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Sandra of the Secret Service

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Sandra of the Secret Service Empty Sandra of the Secret Service

Post by MajorHoy Mon Nov 30, 2020 4:49 pm

First appearance: New Fun #1 (February 1935)
Sandra of the Secret Service _000_n14

Initially, the feature was about one page and not in full color:
Sandra of the Secret Service New-fu10
from New Fun #1

Sandra of the Secret Service New-fu11
from New Fun #2 (March 1935)

For issue #7-8, the comic book was retitled "More Fun", and Sandra's feature became a full page. With issue #9 (cover-dated March-April 1936), the title was expanded to "More Fun Comics" and Sandra's feature was expanded to two pages.
Sandra of the Secret Service _001_s11
Sandra of the Secret Service _002_s14

With issue #13, the feature expanded to three pages, and it kept that length through issue #35 (September 1938), it's last appearance.
Sandra of the Secret Service New-fu13
Sandra of the Secret Service New-fu12
Sandra of the Secret Service New-fu14

Despite the "To Be Continued" at the end of that episode, it does not appear it ever was.

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Join date : 2012-06-17
Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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