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Overview of a French artist's career

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Overview of a French artist's career Empty Overview of a French artist's career

Post by Mbast1 Mon Jan 31, 2022 5:22 am

This was interesting to me, in that I know about Valierian (the visuals for the movie caught my attention, and I then bought a few of the trades from Comixology) but not the artist.


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Overview of a French artist's career Empty Re: Overview of a French artist's career

Post by Barry_Allen Mon Jan 31, 2022 5:00 pm

As noted in the articles you linked, Mezieres was incredibily inflluential for Star Wars movies (maybe today they'd call that plagiarism by George Lucas... Rolling Eyes ), there are also these short but interesting articles in French you can translate with Google translator or similar, like Reverso:



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Overview of a French artist's career Empty Re: Overview of a French artist's career

Post by Mbast1 Thu Feb 17, 2022 7:12 pm

Barry_Allen wrote:there are also these short but interesting articles in French you can translate with Google translator or similar

I can read just enough French to fool myself into thinking I get the gist. Now I need to look up a few words. Thanks!

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