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Mad Cave Studio Comics

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Mad Cave Studio Comics Empty Mad Cave Studio Comics

Post by MajorHoy Fri Jul 12, 2024 3:00 am

When I was the comic book store the other day, I discovered that this company is publishing an on-going Dick Tracy comic book.
Mad Cave Studio Comics Dick_t12
Issue #3 is due out later this month.

Also due out later this month is the first issue of Flash Gordon,
Mad Cave Studio Comics Flash-13
written by Jeremy Adams with art by Will Conrad.

And in August, the first issue of Defenders of the Earth is due out, a group that also features Flash Gordon.
Mad Cave Studio Comics Defend13
That one is written by Dan DiDio with art by Jim Calafiore.

If you want to see their other titles, the website is https://madcavestudios.com/

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