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Campfire Comics

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Campfire Comics Empty Campfire Comics

Post by felneymike Sun May 09, 2010 7:38 pm

First there was Classics Illustrated (currently being re-published in recoloured over-brightness). Then there was Classical Comics ('graphic novel' sized with modern style artwork, but expensive and hard to find) and now there is Campfire Comics!

Hailing from India, they publish comic adaptions of classical stories, mythology, biographies and original tales. I only have one (NB: Not a newsagent comic, but found in the graphic novel sections of book shops). The books are the size of Classics Illustrated but have modern-style artwork and cost 6.99. I must say the "tales told around the campfire" idea is actually a pretty good one.

Of course it would have been better as a weekly comic called "Campfire" running several stories at once in serial form, but hey ho.

Anyway the website is: http://campfire.co.in/ and has the magic words "free delivery worldwide", so get going!


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Join date : 2010-01-05

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Campfire Comics Empty Re: Campfire Comics

Post by tony ingram Tue May 11, 2010 9:02 am

Interesting-thanks for that, I've not come across these before. Have to admit, I do like Classics Illustrated, too. Garish, yes, but somehow that makes them feel more 'authentic'...
tony ingram
tony ingram

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