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British Comics Wiki: An Invitation

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British Comics Wiki: An Invitation Empty British Comics Wiki: An Invitation

Post by tony ingram Mon Sep 27, 2010 1:44 pm

You are cordially invited to participate in building the new British Comics Wiki at http://britishcomics.wikia.com/wiki/Albion_British_Comics_Database_Wiki

It's editable by anybody and the intention is to build a comprehensive reference site for any and all subjects relating to British comics, their characters, and their creators. Feel free to join in and add something on the subject of your choice-you need to register, but registry to one Wiki automatically gives you access to them all.  Very Happy

Last edited by tony ingram on Sun Jul 10, 2016 8:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Age : 54
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British Comics Wiki: An Invitation Empty Re: British Comics Wiki: An Invitation

Post by MajorHoy Sun Jul 06, 2014 9:33 pm

tony ingram wrote:You are cordially invited to participate in building the new British Comics Wiki at http://britishcomics.wikia.com/wiki/Albion_British_Comics_Database_Wiki

It's editable by anybody and the intention is to build a comprehensive reference site for any and all subjects relating to British comics, their characters, and their creators. Feel free to join in and add something on the subject of your choice-you need to register, but registry to one Wiki automatically gives you access to them all.  Very Happy
How many are there?

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British Comics Wiki: An Invitation Empty Re: British Comics Wiki: An Invitation

Post by tony ingram Sun Jul 06, 2014 9:57 pm

Oh, a lot! The Marvel Database Wiki, the DC Database Wiki (not Tenzel's wiki) and the Dynamite one are the comics related ones I contribute to, though there's also the TARDIS wiki and dozens of others.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Age : 54
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British Comics Wiki: An Invitation Empty Re: British Comics Wiki: An Invitation

Post by Lucy Ingram Mon Jul 07, 2014 7:52 am

I'd say that there are hundreds. For example, there's a Game of Thrones wiki.
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Lucy Ingram

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British Comics Wiki: An Invitation Empty Re: British Comics Wiki: An Invitation

Post by tony ingram Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:08 am

I've recently discovered a Doctor Who Collector's wiki.
tony ingram
tony ingram

Posts : 7143
Join date : 2009-12-24
Age : 54
Location : The Wilds of Suffolk

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