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Modesty Blaise artists?

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Modesty Blaise artists? Empty Modesty Blaise artists?

Post by Treadmill Sun Apr 10, 2011 4:21 pm


I am a huge fan of the Modesty Blaise newspaper strips and have been collecting the recent Titan reprints. I know that artists like Romero had a lot of other work published, notably Axa and John M Burns was involved in a short lived strip called Danielle about a time travel heroine, as well as the long running Jane series.

Does anyone know of any sources for Romero's non-Blaise work or the availability of the Burns' Danielle or Jane collections? I think Danielle was collected for an American magazine but I can't track it down. The sample art I've seen from this is very clean and attractive. A far cry from a lot of the over-rendered, digi-coloured stuff some of the US publishers put out today.

Thanks in advance!


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Modesty Blaise artists? Empty Re: Modesty Blaise artists?

Post by tony ingram Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:36 pm

As far as Romero's non Blaise stuff goes, I know that all of his Axa strips have been issued in reprint form at least twice. The original Titan reprints are hard to come by now, but the nine issues of the First American Edition series turn up fairly regularly on ebay.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Modesty Blaise artists? Empty Re: Modesty Blaise artists?

Post by freedumbdclxvi Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:15 pm

tony, what's your opinion on modesty blaise? from what i've read, it sounds very interesting. but i was curious what your thoughts were.


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Modesty Blaise artists? Empty Re: Modesty Blaise artists?

Post by tony ingram Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:21 pm

I think it's a great strip, though something of an acquired taste. Holdaway's art is pretty good on the early stuff, but Romero's is absolutely fantastic on the later ones; the man couldn't turn in a bad job if he tried! Then again, I love all Romero's stuff. Axa is another favourite character of mine.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Modesty Blaise artists? Empty Re: Modesty Blaise artists?

Post by tony ingram Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:37 pm

Oddly enough, I was looking up another O'Donnell and Holdaway character, created before Modesty, just yesterday for the British Comics wiki...

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tony ingram

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Modesty Blaise artists? Empty Re: Modesty Blaise artists?

Post by freedumbdclxvi Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:38 pm

cool. i think i'll pick up the first collection off amazon then. (if my lcs doesn't have it. i can't recall ever seeing the reprints there, but i'll check before i order it.)

thanks for the info. i think i'll do a bit of looking into axa, as that's a character i've not heard of before.


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Modesty Blaise artists? Empty Re: Modesty Blaise artists?

Post by tony ingram Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:47 pm

freedumbdclxvi wrote:cool. i think i'll pick up the first collection off amazon then. (if my lcs doesn't have it. i can't recall ever seeing the reprints there, but i'll check before i order it.)

thanks for the info. i think i'll do a bit of looking into axa, as that's a character i've not heard of before.
http://britishcomics.wikia.com/wiki/Axa Very Happy
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Modesty Blaise artists? Empty Re: Modesty Blaise artists?

Post by freedumbdclxvi Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:56 pm

sounds like a very interesting character and series. definitely one i want to check out. thanks again!


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Modesty Blaise artists? Empty Re: Modesty Blaise artists?

Post by tony ingram Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:59 pm

She used to run in The Sun back in the eighties, but was ditched in favour of football strip Striker. I liked Striker, but I still never forgave them for ditching Axa mid story. Apparently, the incoming editor didn't like sci-fi...
tony ingram
tony ingram

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