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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Philip K Ditko
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Favourite DC Comics Character or Team

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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by Lucy Ingram Sat Jul 12, 2014 8:57 am

The villains have to have off days or the heroes would never win.
Lucy Ingram
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by MajorHoy Sat Jul 12, 2014 9:50 pm

MajorHoy wrote:
Silogramsam wrote:Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Bab65h

let's see if this works
That one did . . . maybe the other one will work tomorrow. (It is Friday evening, y'know . . . the other thread may have headed out to the pub for a nip or two.)
tony ingram wrote: . . . I now want to know why Mallah has bothered chaining up a bloke in a wheelchair...
Maybe he stopped at the pub first for two or three banana daiquiris?

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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by tony ingram Sun Jul 13, 2014 8:01 am

Mallah always struck me more as a Creme de menthe man.
tony ingram
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by Lucy Ingram Sun Jul 13, 2014 8:15 am

Real men drink whisky. I guess a gorilla can't handle a man's drink.
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by tony ingram Sun Jul 13, 2014 8:17 am

Lucy McGough wrote:I guess a gorilla can't handle a man's drink.
Well, those paws do look quite clumsy...
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by Lucy Ingram Sun Jul 13, 2014 8:29 am

They're not paws, they're hands. They've got fingers and everything.

Paws for thought before you post on primate anatomy Razz
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by MajorHoy Sun Jul 13, 2014 2:36 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:They're not paws, they're hands. They've got fingers and everything.

Paws for thought before you post on primate anatomy Razz
Maybe they're mutated paws and not technically classified as "hands" yet?

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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by Lucy Ingram Sun Jul 13, 2014 6:19 pm

No. They're hands.
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by MajorHoy Sun Jul 13, 2014 8:11 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:No. They're hands.
You have the x-rays to prove it?  Shocked

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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by Lucy Ingram Sun Jul 13, 2014 8:14 pm

I'm a woman. That means I'm always right Razz
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by MajorHoy Sun Jul 13, 2014 9:11 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:I'm a woman. That means I'm always right Razz
Yeah, right . . .  Rolling Eyes 

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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by Lucy Ingram Sun Jul 13, 2014 9:22 pm

I'm the only woman on here. Gotta be a BIT bolshy.
Lucy Ingram
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by MajorHoy Sun Jul 13, 2014 9:51 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:I'm the only woman on here. Gotta be a BIT bolshy.
I didn't realize you were a Bolshevik.

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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by Lucy Ingram Sun Jul 13, 2014 10:01 pm

Actually, I'm a small-c conservative.
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by MajorHoy Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:55 am

Lucy McGough wrote:Actually, I'm a small-c conservative.
At least you don't get those annoying Tea Party weirdos over there.

(Oh, and she didn't get elected.)

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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by tony ingram Mon Jul 14, 2014 7:19 am

I have never understood American politics.
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by Lucy Ingram Mon Jul 14, 2014 10:00 am

It's a lot more amusing than ours, though. Imagine if the Home Secretary had to release a video saying she wasn't a witch, or Ed Miliband released one vehemently denying that he was a warlock who had sold his soul to Baal. That'd be hilarious Very Happy
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by Silogramsam Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:24 pm

Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Mallah%204

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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by tony ingram Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:38 pm

Morden was the guy who later became Mr Nobody, wasn't he?
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by Lucy Ingram Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:00 pm

Love the idea that (a) Vaguely-described 'training methods' and electric shocks can give a gorilla an IQ of 178, and (b) Nobody'll notice you're a gorilla as long as you keep your hat on.
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by Silogramsam Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:57 pm

Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Bengrimm1128Lsort of like Ben Grimm wearing a mask.

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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by tony ingram Mon Jul 14, 2014 6:31 pm

"I can feel myself oozing an' puffing out beneath the mask". Cheers, Ben. I was hungry until you started that sentence.
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by Lucy Ingram Mon Jul 14, 2014 7:13 pm

Very Happy The mind boggles...
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by MajorHoy Mon Jul 14, 2014 8:54 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:Very Happy The mind boggles...
Are Boggles related to Wiggles?


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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by Lucy Ingram Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:34 pm

Ye gods. This is, surely, the twilight of American culture. China, your time is now.
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by MajorHoy Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:58 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:Ye gods. This is, surely, the twilight of American culture. China, your time is now.
The Wiggles are Australian, not American.
(Couldn't you tell?)

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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by Lucy Ingram Mon Jul 14, 2014 10:08 pm

All you colonials sound the same to me.
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by karatattoo Tue Jul 15, 2014 4:11 am

Lucy McGough wrote:Love the idea that (a) Vaguely-described 'training methods' and electric shocks can give a gorilla an IQ of 178, and (b) Nobody'll notice you're a gorilla as long as you keep your hat on.

In my experience, most gorillas are smarter than most people.

Last edited by karatattoo on Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by karatattoo Tue Jul 15, 2014 4:13 am

Lucy McGough wrote:All you colonials sound the same to me.

I can assure you that, even though the Major and I have never met, we will not sound the same.

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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by tony ingram Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:08 am

karatattoo wrote:
Lucy McGough wrote:All you colonials sound the same to me.

I can assure you that, even though the Major and I have never met, we will not sound the same.
Since you have never met, how can you know this? You could be identical for all you know!
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by Lucy Ingram Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:51 am

karatattoo wrote:I my experience, most gorillas are smarter than most people.
Well, I wouldn't be surprised if a gorilla were smarter than me.
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by tony ingram Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:52 am

Lucy McGough wrote:
karatattoo wrote:I my experience, most gorillas are smarter than most people.
Well, I wouldn't be surprised if a gorilla were smarter than me.
Obviously. Gorilla Grodd is smarter than everybody.
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by Lucy Ingram Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:08 am

What, even you?
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by tony ingram Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:14 am

Lucy McGough wrote:What, even you?
Probably. But I'm better looking.
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by karatattoo Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:24 pm

tony ingram wrote:Probably. But I'm better looking.

Are you sure?

A female gorilla might disagree.


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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by tony ingram Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:28 pm

karatattoo wrote:
tony ingram wrote:Probably. But I'm better looking.

Are you sure?

A female gorilla might disagree.

I assure you, I have been pursued by more than my fair share of what I'm convinced were female gorillas, albeit sometimes cunningly shaven ones. God, the Portsmouth club scene was terrifying in the late eighties...
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by MajorHoy Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:47 pm

tony ingram wrote:
karatattoo wrote:
tony ingram wrote:Probably. But I'm better looking.
Are you sure?

A female gorilla might disagree.
I assure you, I have been pursued by more than my fair share of what I'm convinced were female gorillas, albeit sometimes cunningly shaven ones. God, the Portsmouth club scene was terrifying in the late eighties...
You sure they were females?  Wink 

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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by tony ingram Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:54 pm

MajorHoy wrote:
tony ingram wrote:
karatattoo wrote:
tony ingram wrote:Probably. But I'm better looking.
Are you sure?

A female gorilla might disagree.
I assure you, I have been pursued by more than my fair share of what I'm convinced were female gorillas, albeit sometimes cunningly shaven ones. God, the Portsmouth club scene was terrifying in the late eighties...
You sure they were females?  Wink 
In most cases, at least 90% sure.
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by Silogramsam Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:01 pm

All you colonials sound the same to me. wrote:

which is one reason why the sun now sets on the "British Empire"

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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by Silogramsam Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:03 pm

Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Crimsonavenger
back to the thread
I also liked the Crimson stories that I've read (mostly as part of a larger SSOV story)

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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by tony ingram Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:20 pm

"Whatever Happened to the Crimson Avenger" in DC Comics Presents #38 is still my all-time favourite single DC story. It's only about eight pages long, but it's pretty much perfect storytelling and has a genuinely moving ending.
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by Silogramsam Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:47 pm

"Whatever Happened to the Crimson Avenger" in DC Comics Presents #38 is still my all-time favourite single DC story. It's only about eight pages long, but it's pretty much perfect storytelling and has a genuinely moving ending. wrote:

I am also fond of that story. In fact, when I bought it back in the day, I bought the issue for that story, not the Superman/Flash lead story. Years later, in a JSA annual or special, that story was referred to heavily when Perry asked Clark to look into what was Lee Travis avenging as the Crimson Avenger.

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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by tony ingram Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:49 pm

They really don't write comics like that anymore. The art of the short story has been pretty much lost.
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by Silogramsam Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:30 pm

I do think that of al of the "Whatever Happened To..." stories in that title then, the Crimson story was definitely the best one - and had the most lasting impression until the Nu universe came along. The list of characters:
The Golden Age Hourman (issue #25)
Sargon the Sorcerer (issue #26)
Congorilla (issue #27)
The Western Johnny Thunder and Madame .44 (issue #28)
The Golden Age Dr. Mid-Nite (issue #29)
The Golden Age Atom (issue #30)
The Golden Age Robotman (issue #31)
Mark Merlin and Prince Ra-Man (issue #32)
Star Hawkins (issue #33)
Rex the Wonder Dog (issue #35)
Rip Hunter (issue #37)
The Crimson Avenger (issue #38)
Richard Dragon (issue #39)
The Golden Age Air-Wave (issue #40)
The Golden Age Sandman (issue #42)
Sandy the Golden Boy (issue #47)
The Black Pirate (issue #48)

Besides the Crimon, the others that were fun, for me, and had some impact, were Robotman (where Richard Crane's brain was placed into Chuck Grayson's body when Chuck died), and Air Wave which established him on Earth 1, gave him a wife and a son (both of whom were Air Wave at one time or the other).

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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by tony ingram Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:38 am

The Robotman one was the other stand-out one for me. I liked most of them though, although the Atom one was very silly as I recall.
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by Silogramsam Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:31 pm

Interestingly, the Rex story allowed, in a way, Shadowpact and aspects of Final Crisis(?) to happen. Rex, the Wonder Dog (and his handler, Danny Dennis) went to Oscaloosa County, Florida. Rex encountered Detective Chimp and the two find the legendary Fountain of Youth. The water from the fountain gave the extraordinary animals renewed youth and vitality. Rex held a place in DCs pantheon of mystical powered characters occurred when first he was called as one of Earth's most powerful magical characters to aid The Spectre in saving the Universe. Soon after he is one of the many agents tasked by the Phantom Stranger to monitor a mystical bubble that contained the town of Riverrock, Wyoming and the newly formed Shadowpact - vowing to stay until Detective Chimp was freed, and doing so for a year as a result. The Shadowpact free themselves through other means. He later deliberately allows himself to be influenced by The Huntsman's Hellhound Pack to infiltrate them but became trapped with the pack, and spent a considerable amount of time using his intelligence to become their leader, although he eventually aided Shadowpact to beat The Huntsman and returned to Earth with them. His brother, Billy, affectionately known as 'Pooch', became the mascot of Gunner and Sarge of 'Losers' during World War II.

What company other than DC could take a character like Rex (and Det. Chimp for that matter) and make him significant years later in their main universe? This is an examply of why I like DC more than Marvel (or other companies) - the rich history and the willingness to use it. I only wish that DC would do more of this and more often.

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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by tony ingram Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:36 pm

But...Marvel also have a rich history, and they use it all the time. Look at Agents of Atlas, which basically revolved around a handful of characters not really seen since the 1950s, or the way that elements from the most obscure stories can tie in to others years later, like Steve Gerber using a trio of unconnected stories from an old reprint comic (Weird Wonder Tales) to create a villain team (the Headmen).
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by MajorHoy Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:47 pm

tony ingram wrote:But...Marvel also have a rich history, and they use it all the time. Look at Agents of Atlas, which basically revolved around a handful of characters not really seen since the 1950s, or the way that elements from the most obscure stories can tie in to others years later, like Steve Gerber using a trio of unconnected stories from an old reprint comic (Weird Wonder Tales) to create a villain team (the Headmen).
And who knew Agents of Atlas would result from . . .
Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Gorilla%20Man%204
(written by Don Glut with the concept credited to Roy Thomas )

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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by tony ingram Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:52 pm

What If? was one series where Marvel certainly demonstrated their ability to mine their own history for ideas!
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Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why) - Page 5 Empty Re: Favourite DC Comics Character (and Why)

Post by Silogramsam Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:04 pm

I don't read Marvel anymore. Haven't for years except for the occasion try again.

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