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Ronald Searle 1920-2011

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Ronald Searle 1920-2011 Empty Ronald Searle 1920-2011

Post by tony ingram Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:05 am

Ronald Searle, the brilliant cartoonist who created the Belles of St Trinians and co-creator of the immortal Nigel Molesworth, passed away on december 30th aged 91. Aside from being a talented illustrator, Searle was a former POW and a survivor of both the infamous Changi Prison and the Kwai 'death railway', and created numerous works depicting his wartime experiences.

Ronald Searle 1920-2011 220px-Sttrinians
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Age : 54
Location : The Wilds of Suffolk

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Ronald Searle 1920-2011 Empty Re: Ronald Searle 1920-2011

Post by MajorHoy Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:06 am

I think I've seen some of his work from The New Yorker reprinted in book collections.

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