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Marvel UK 1970s free gift - painted?

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Marvel UK 1970s free gift - painted? Empty Marvel UK 1970s free gift - painted?

Post by dkwitt Fri May 04, 2012 12:28 pm

I posted this question on CBR's "Comics Should Be Good" forum but didn't get any replies. Then I discovered this forum and thought that there is a much better chance of somebody here being able to help.

I can remember a free gift on an early Marvel UK comic, but even though I have trawled the 'net I can't find any reference to it. It was a collection of stickers or transfers which absolutely amazed me at the time as they were PAINTED. I can remember one of Daredevil quite vividly, he was swinging towards you with his left arm raised and a shouty look on his face! I've never seen them since and don't know which other characters were included. I would love to see images of these once again.

Out of interest does anyone know if the proposed history of Marvel Comics UK was ever published (Robin Kirby was involved, according to posts on Lew Stringer's blog from a few years ago).


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Join date : 2012-05-04

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Marvel UK 1970s free gift - painted? Empty Re: Marvel UK 1970s free gift - painted?

Post by dkwitt Fri May 04, 2012 12:53 pm

Found it!
They were a free gift with Avengers #1, and were subsequently offered for sale as posters.
I won't post a link to another site, but the "Steve Does Comics" blog ebtry for 3rd December 2011 entitled "Marvel's heroes. On the wall. Off the wall."
has a scan of the original advert.

According to a comment on the blog they were painted by a Spanish artist Lopez Espi.

If you haven't seen them I recommend you take a look, they still look fantastic 40 years on.


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Marvel UK 1970s free gift - painted? Empty Re: Marvel UK 1970s free gift - painted?

Post by tony ingram Fri May 04, 2012 3:57 pm

I remember them! I had a set years ago, but they're long since lost...

I contributed to Rob Kirby's book, but I don't think it was ever published. I last heard it was in preparation aabout two years ago!
tony ingram
tony ingram

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