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Grave implications for Captain Britain

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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by Lucy Ingram Fri Apr 11, 2014 7:42 am

If Scotland leaves the UK, will Captain Britain have to change his costume?
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by tony ingram Fri Apr 11, 2014 8:04 am

Lucy McGough wrote:If Scotland leaves the UK, will Captain Britain have to change his costume?
I can't believe I had never even considered that! Shocked 
How would his costume look without the blue?
tony ingram
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by Lucy Ingram Fri Apr 11, 2014 8:17 am

It'd look... red and white?
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by tony ingram Fri Apr 11, 2014 8:34 am

Could be worse.
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by Lucy Ingram Fri Apr 11, 2014 9:33 am

I think he'd look good in white with a red lion rampant on his chest.
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by tony ingram Fri Apr 11, 2014 12:36 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:I think he'd look good in white with a red lion rampant on his chest.
I think I'd just put him back in his old 1970s costume, but remove the blue from the mask and wristbands.
tony ingram
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by Philip K Ditko Fri Apr 11, 2014 4:56 pm

There have been various suggestions for what the union flag might look like if Scotland leaves, including just replacing the blue parts with black.
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by tony ingram Fri Apr 11, 2014 6:18 pm

Philip K Ditko wrote:There have been various suggestions for what the union flag might look like if Scotland leaves, including just replacing the blue parts with black.
Oh, I like that! Captain Britain has already experimented with red, white and black, so he wouldn't even need to update his wardrobe-just dust off an old suit!
 Grave implications for Captain Britain 256786
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by Lucy Ingram Fri Apr 11, 2014 8:03 pm

Aren't red, white and black the Nazi colours?  Twisted Evil 
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by tony ingram Sat Apr 12, 2014 7:31 am

Lucy McGough wrote:Aren't red, white and black the Nazi colours?  Twisted Evil 
Shh! Don't tell the Captain that! Shocked 
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by Lucy Ingram Sat Apr 12, 2014 7:41 am

Got any pictures you could post?
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by tony ingram Sat Apr 12, 2014 7:45 am

I shall have a look.
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by Lucy Ingram Sat Apr 12, 2014 4:25 pm

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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by tony ingram Sat Apr 12, 2014 6:10 pm

Here we go: the costume he adopted in Excalibur #94 and kept for the next few months until #110 (1996-97). The blue parts are actually supposed to be black, as was frequently the case back then.

Grave implications for Captain Britain Excal102_zps034bde8e
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by Lucy Ingram Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:23 pm

He looks awfully angry. Maybe it chafes.
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by tony ingram Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:54 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:He looks awfully angry. Maybe it chafes.
I think he's just habitually angry...
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by Lucy Ingram Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:41 pm

The British are not angry. We have stiff upper lips.
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by MajorHoy Mon Jun 30, 2014 7:44 pm

tony ingram wrote:
Philip K Ditko wrote:There have been various suggestions for what the union flag might look like if Scotland leaves, including just replacing the blue parts with black.
Oh, I like that! Captain Britain has already experimented with red, white and black, so he wouldn't even need to update his wardrobe-just dust off an old suit!
 Grave implications for Captain Britain 256786
But lets avoid this look:
Grave implications for Captain Britain 300px-Excalibur_Vol_1_10

Grave implications for Captain Britain Brian_Braddock_%28Earth-597%29

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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by MajorHoy Mon Jun 30, 2014 7:51 pm

Why not go back to this

Grave implications for Captain Britain Captain_Britain_36_clean_image

but replace the blue with white?

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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by tony ingram Mon Jun 30, 2014 7:54 pm

I still miss that outfit. I mean, the first Davis design is a classic, but the original just has something about it...
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by Lucy Ingram Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:59 pm

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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by tony ingram Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:21 pm

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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by Lucy Ingram Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:26 am

Move over, Superman! Very Happy
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by MajorHoy Sun Jul 06, 2014 2:24 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:Move over, Superman! Very Happy
Is Captain Britain also going to go commando?  scratch

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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by Lucy Ingram Sun Jul 06, 2014 2:27 pm

That's not the British way.
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by MajorHoy Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:18 am

Lucy McGough wrote:That's not the British way.
Why not? I bet they use to go commando in Piccadilly Circus!

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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by MajorHoy Thu Aug 07, 2014 12:19 am

By the way, I read today in the New York Times that recent opinion polls seem to indicate that having Scotland separate from the U.K. does not look like it will win the majority in next month's vote.


How is the spin going in British and Scottish (Scotch?) media these days?

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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by tony ingram Thu Aug 07, 2014 6:43 am

I think it'll be close, but I don't think the separatists will win. Scotland isn't really in a position to go it alone, and most people seem singularly underwhelmed by the idea.

Scotch is a drink, by the way, the correct terms here would be Scottish or Scots.
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by Lucy Ingram Fri Aug 08, 2014 10:04 pm

I've always had the impression that the independence vote didn't have enough momentum behind it. I have Scottish friends who think that Alex Salmond is a demagogue and independence is a terrible, terrible idea. But only September 18th will tell...
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by MajorHoy Mon Sep 08, 2014 2:13 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:I've always had the impression that the independence vote didn't have enough momentum behind it. I have Scottish friends who think that Alex Salmond is a demagogue and independence is a terrible, terrible idea. But only September 18th will tell...
Don't know how legitimate this is, but . . .
Scottish independence campaign ahead in poll for first time

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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by Lucy Ingram Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:29 pm

It's legitimate enough to have the 'No' campaign worried.
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by MajorHoy Tue Sep 09, 2014 3:51 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:It's legitimate enough to have the 'No' campaign worried.
Another story we're seeing over here: As Scots eye independence, rest of UK gets nervous

One of the things the posting mentions is
. . . Britain's left-leaning Labour Party would be the biggest political victim of independence — it is often joked there are more pandas in Edinburgh's zoo than there are Conservative Party lawmakers in Scotland. Scottish voters elected 41 Labour members of Parliament in the 2010 election and only one Conservative.

If the next general election due in May were held today, eliminating Scottish votes would give Prime Minister David Cameron's Conservatives a 37-seat majority win.

That could drag Britain toward yet another high-stakes vote — on whether the country as a whole should leave the EU. Cameron has promised a referendum to appease voters concerned about immigration and meddling by bureaucrats in Brussels. Scotland has been very pro-EU, so losing its votes would weaken the camp that wants Britain to stay.

Leaving the EU could have huge consequences for Britain. The EU guarantees freedom of movement for people, goods and money, a big advantage for companies that want to do business across the bloc, which with its 500 million people is the world's largest combined economy. If Britain were to leave the bloc, multinational companies that have their EU headquarters in London — from Starbucks to many of the world's biggest banks — may seek to relocate, taking money and jobs with them . . .

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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by tony ingram Tue Sep 09, 2014 4:10 pm

All true enough-but the story fails to mention that membership in the EU, something nobody in Britain ever voted for or, indeed, had any opportunity to vote for or against, has resulted in us being forced to accept policies imposed by Brussells without our having any say in the matter, which have damaged businesses and caused considerable resentment. Personally, I'd be all in favour of leaving the EU at this point.
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by Lucy Ingram Tue Sep 09, 2014 5:45 pm

One can't deny that nobody asked us, yer ordinary man and woman on the street, whether we'd like to be in the EU or not. It was a decision made by politicians. And now the EU limits how long doctors can work for, and how powerful our vacuum cleaners are. But what's the point of having a vacuum cleaner that's half as powerful? You'd just have to use it for twice as long to get the same effect! I can't see how that'd save energy.
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by MajorHoy Tue Sep 09, 2014 9:30 pm

Lucy McGough wrote: . . . and how powerful our vacuum cleaners are. But what's the point of having a vacuum cleaner that's half as powerful? You'd just have to use it for twice as long to get the same effect! I can't see how that'd save energy.
Depends on if you needed a vacuum as powerful as it originally was in the first place, or if it was exactly twice as efficient only because it was exactly twice as powerful.

Sometimes, they can find ways to make things just as powerful but without using as much energy to power it.

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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by Lucy Ingram Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:19 am

Oh. That's all right then, I guess.
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by tony ingram Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:24 am

MajorHoy wrote:
Lucy McGough wrote: . . . and how powerful our vacuum cleaners are. But what's the point of having a vacuum cleaner that's half as powerful? You'd just have to use it for twice as long to get the same effect! I can't see how that'd save energy.
Depends on if you needed a vacuum as powerful as it originally was in the first place, or if it was exactly twice as efficient only because it was exactly twice as powerful.

Sometimes, they can find ways to make things just as powerful but without using as much energy to power it.
That didn't work out that well when they stopped us buying the old style light bulbs. Low ennergy bulbs cost a fortune, don't seem to last any longer than the older bulbs, and put out less light.
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by MajorHoy Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:12 pm

tony ingram wrote:That didn't work out that well when they stopped us buying the old style light bulbs. Low ennergy bulbs cost a fortune, don't seem to last any longer than the older bulbs, and put out less light.
I personally haven't experimented enough with the different types of light bulbs to form any rational opinions on that matter, but haven't they supposedly improved the buggers from their initial output?

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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by tony ingram Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:45 pm

MajorHoy wrote:
tony ingram wrote:That didn't work out that well when they stopped us buying the old style light bulbs. Low ennergy bulbs cost a fortune, don't seem to last any longer than the older bulbs, and put out less light.
I personally haven't experimented enough with the different types of light bulbs to form any rational opinions on that matter, but haven't they supposedly improved the buggers from their initial output?
Not noticeably.
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by Lucy Ingram Wed Sep 10, 2014 3:57 pm

Well, you can notice the dark now. It just used to lurk in corners before.
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by MajorHoy Sun Sep 14, 2014 12:14 am

More stories are showing up about whether the independence movement may be strong enough to win on the 18th. Here's one:

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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by tony ingram Sun Sep 14, 2014 7:32 am

Looking at it now, it's all becoming rather uncertain, but I still think common sense will win out and Scotland will stay in. Threating BP and the banks is really not a great idea, either.
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by MajorHoy Sun Sep 14, 2014 2:12 pm

tony ingram wrote:Looking at it now, it's all becoming rather uncertain, but I still think common sense will win out and Scotland will stay in. Threating BP and the banks is really not a great idea, either.
Well, if politicians (not from Scotland) and some businesses are threatening doom, gloom, and awful television programming, one may want to do some counter-posing to keep others from doing so.

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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by tony ingram Sun Sep 14, 2014 2:13 pm

Some might say Scotland already had doom, gloom and awful television programming...
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by MajorHoy Sun Sep 14, 2014 8:20 pm

tony ingram wrote:Some might say Scotland already had doom, gloom and awful television programming...
But can it get worse?

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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by MajorHoy Thu Sep 18, 2014 8:26 pm

Today's the vote . . . talk about a nail-biter! Shocked

Sounds like it could easily go either way!

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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by tony ingram Thu Sep 18, 2014 10:02 pm

We will find out tomorrow...
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by Lucy Ingram Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:28 am

Hooray, we get to stay united!
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by tony ingram Fri Sep 19, 2014 12:38 pm

Those rebellious Scots have been quashed without a claymore being lifted or a musket fired! Oh, I say-good show!
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Grave implications for Captain Britain Empty Re: Grave implications for Captain Britain

Post by MajorHoy Fri Sep 19, 2014 2:07 pm

Okay, what's the next world-crisis-that-isn't-really-a-crisis? Wink

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