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Favorite comic book version of Robin? (Batman's partner)

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Favorite comicbook version of Robin

Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Vote_lcap50%Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Vote_rcap 50% 
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Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Vote_lcap25%Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Vote_rcap 25% 
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Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Vote_lcap0%Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Vote_rcap 0% 
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Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Vote_lcap0%Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Vote_rcap 0% 
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Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Vote_lcap0%Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Vote_rcap 0% 
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Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Vote_lcap0%Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Vote_rcap 0% 
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Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Vote_lcap25%Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Vote_rcap 25% 
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Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Vote_lcap0%Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Vote_rcap 0% 
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Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Vote_lcap0%Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Vote_rcap 0% 
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Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Vote_lcap0%Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Vote_rcap 0% 
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Total Votes : 4

Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Empty Favorite comic book version of Robin? (Batman's partner)

Post by MajorHoy Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:45 am

Yeah, another "which version did you prefer?" question with a poll.

Notice that I've broken up "Dick Grayson" into three separate selections, since there use to be both an Earth-2 and an Earth-1 version that operated at the same time
Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Ripped%2Bup%2Bcostume
Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Jla92_002
but the current New 52 version of Dick Grayson no longer was a pre-teen "Boy Wonder".

Jason Todd has also been given two options: the original version, who was so like a younger Dick Grayson it wasn't funny, and the post-CoIE version who was so unlike Dick he became annoying to some. (And yeah, you could maybe argue there should be two different versions for Tim Drake, but I'm tired and there's a limit of ten options here!)

Last edited by MajorHoy on Thu Jun 14, 2018 2:29 am; edited 1 time in total

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Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Empty Re: Favorite comic book version of Robin? (Batman's partner)

Post by Lucy Ingram Thu Jul 31, 2014 10:00 am

You didn't vote in your own poll Razz
Lucy Ingram
Lucy Ingram

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Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Empty Re: Favorite comic book version of Robin? (Batman's partner)

Post by MajorHoy Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:38 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:You didn't vote in your own poll Razz
I'm still torn between the two Dicks . . . I grew up reading Silver / Bronze Age Dick as Robin, but the adult Robin from the JSA also appealed to me.

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Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Empty Re: Favorite comic book version of Robin? (Batman's partner)

Post by Lucy Ingram Thu Jul 31, 2014 4:14 pm

Is it not a multiple choice poll?
Lucy Ingram
Lucy Ingram

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Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Empty Re: Favorite comic book version of Robin? (Batman's partner)

Post by Silogramsam Thu Jul 31, 2014 5:49 pm

Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Justice_League_of_America_v.1_55I voted for the SA Earth 1 version of Robin. There really wasn't much difference between the E2 and E1 versions pre-COIE. It was only when the E2 Robin joined the JSA in the 60s that we knew that there were two of them. The adventures of the two were not distinguished until then, if then. Just like with Batman (and Superman and Wonder Woman etc.), Robin was only 1 character until it was established that there were 2 Batmen and, therefore, there had to be 2 Robins.

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Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Empty Re: Favorite comic book version of Robin? (Batman's partner)

Post by Silogramsam Thu Jul 31, 2014 5:57 pm

Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) FF2B&B182-thumbFavorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Now-while-I-have-your-attention-300x180Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Bat-620x493Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Brave_and_the_Bold_v.1_182Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) BB182Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) 91robin

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Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Empty Re: Favorite comic book version of Robin? (Batman's partner)

Post by MajorHoy Fri Aug 01, 2014 1:00 am

Silogramsam wrote: . . . There really wasn't much difference between the E2 and E1 versions pre-COIE . . .
I disagree with that assessment. The Golden Age, Earth-2 Robin was "The Boy Wonder", and then in the 1960s was revealed to be an adult hero who still went by "Robin" and joined the JSA.

Earth-1's Robin started as a "Boy Wonder", but we also had many years of him as the Teen Wonder before he decided to take the separate identity of Nightwing. He also was a founding member of Teen Titans (and later, the New Teen Titans).

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Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Empty Re: Favorite comic book version of Robin? (Batman's partner)

Post by Lucy Ingram Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:12 am

How come when he was an adult he still kept that daft costume?
Lucy Ingram
Lucy Ingram

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Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Empty Re: Favorite comic book version of Robin? (Batman's partner)

Post by Silogramsam Fri Aug 01, 2014 2:05 pm

I disagree with that assessment. The Golden Age, Earth-2 Robin was "The Boy Wonder", and then in the 1960s was revealed to be an adult hero who still went by "Robin" and joined the JSA. wrote:
I think this depends on when you're looking. Until someone at DC decided to call the E1 Robin the teen wonder, his earliest adventures were the exact same ones as the E2 Robin's adventures. Of course, by the time he was referred to as the Teen Wonder and then broke away from his Batman, the E2 Robin had already been established as a separate, adult character. Before then, there was no differentiation because there had been no one known as the adult Robin yet.

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Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Empty Re: Favorite comic book version of Robin? (Batman's partner)

Post by Silogramsam Fri Aug 01, 2014 2:07 pm

How come when he was an adult he still kept that daft costume? wrote:
because, apparently, he actually admired Bruce?

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Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Empty Re: Favorite comic book version of Robin? (Batman's partner)

Post by MajorHoy Thu Jun 14, 2018 2:35 am

Lucy McGough wrote:You didn't vote in your own poll Razz
Well, I did now (nearly four years later) . . .

Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Robin_10

Lucy McGough wrote:Is it not a multiple choice poll?
Doesn't seem to be.
(It wouldn't accept more than one vote when I tried it.)

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Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Empty Re: Favorite comic book version of Robin? (Batman's partner)

Post by Mbast1 Thu Jun 14, 2018 6:55 pm

MajorHoy wrote:Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Robin_10[/url]

I really liked that version, also. He grew into his own man without needing to create drama with Bruce.

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Favorite comic book version of Robin?  (Batman's partner) Empty Re: Favorite comic book version of Robin? (Batman's partner)

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