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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

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Favorite Member's of Flash's Rogues Gallery

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Vote_lcap15%Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Vote_rcap 15% 
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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Vote_lcap15%Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Vote_rcap 15% 
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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Vote_lcap8%Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Vote_rcap 8% 
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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Vote_lcap15%Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Vote_rcap 15% 
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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Vote_lcap8%Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Vote_rcap 8% 
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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Vote_lcap8%Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Vote_rcap 8% 
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Total Votes : 13

Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by MajorHoy Wed Aug 13, 2014 12:53 am

Just because I think polls are fun, who were your favorite / favourite members of the classic Rogues Gallery from Silver / Bronze Age Flash? (Barry's first "run" as Flash.)

 Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? 343343 

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by tony ingram Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:52 pm

Of those in the poll, Mirror Master, Cold, Boomerang and the Glider. But I'd have voted for the Ringmaster and the Rainbow Raider if they'd been in there.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by MajorHoy Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:36 pm

tony ingram wrote:Of those in the poll, Mirror Master, Cold, Boomerang and the Glider. But I'd have voted for the Ringmaster and the Rainbow Raider if they'd been in there.
But those two weren't regularly part of the "Rogues' Gallery" of The Flash.

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by tony ingram Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:47 pm

MajorHoy wrote:
tony ingram wrote:Of those in the poll, Mirror Master, Cold, Boomerang and the Glider. But I'd have voted for the Ringmaster and the Rainbow Raider if they'd been in there.
But those two weren't regularly part of the "Rogues' Gallery" of The Flash.

Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? 28200-3616-31297-1-secret-origins
Rainbow Raider was, towards the end of the pre-COIE run.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by Philip K Ditko Mon Aug 18, 2014 6:14 pm

I was never that keen on pre-Crisis Flash, but I liked some of the Rogues' later appearances, such as Pied Piper in Bill Loebs' Wally West run, Captain Boomerang in John Ostrander's Suicice Squad, and Grant Morrison's incarnation of Mirror Master in Animal Man.
Philip K Ditko
Philip K Ditko

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by tony ingram Mon Aug 18, 2014 7:11 pm

Philip K Ditko wrote:I was never that keen on pre-Crisis Flash, but I liked some of the Rogues' later appearances, such as Pied Piper in Bill Loebs' Wally West run, Captain Boomerang in John Ostrander's Suicice Squad, and Grant Morrison's incarnation of Mirror Master in Animal Man.
Likewise. The only pre-Crisis Flash I really liked was Jay Garrick. Some of the villains were interesting, but they mostly got much more developed personalities in the late eighties. Boomerang in Suicide Squad in particular-he was one of the highlights of an already great book.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by MajorHoy Tue Aug 19, 2014 12:47 am

I personally enjoyed most of Cary Bates run as the writer on Flash in the 1970s into the early 1980s.

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by tony ingram Tue Aug 19, 2014 6:30 am

MajorHoy wrote:I personally enjoyed most of Cary Bates run as the writer on Flash in the 1970s into the early 1980s.
There were a few stories that stood out for me-the murder of Iris and the trial of the Flash being the obvious ones. But a lot of the time, Barry always seemed to me a rather bland character. Like the Silver Age Superman, he was too perfect to be interesting.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by MajorHoy Tue Jun 12, 2018 9:51 pm

No clear favorites on this old poll.
Each of these rogues received two votes each:
* Captain Boomerang
* Captain Cold
* Golden Glider
* Mirror Master
And all the others listed each got a single vote.

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by tony ingram Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:16 pm

Lucy and I have been binge watching the Flash TV show lately, and I have to say, Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell's portrayals of Captain Cold and Heat Wave in that show and Legends of Tomorrow have given me a greater appreciation of those characters.

The show's version of Mirror Master was crap, though.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by MajorHoy Wed Jun 13, 2018 12:47 am

tony ingram wrote:Lucy and I have been binge watching the Flash TV show lately, and I have to say, Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell's portrayals of Captain Cold and Heat Wave in that show and Legends of Tomorrow have given me a greater appreciation of those characters.

The show's version of Mirror Master was crap, though.
Which one did they go with: Sam Scudder, the later Evan McCulloch, or some other version?

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by tony ingram Wed Jun 13, 2018 11:03 am

MajorHoy wrote:
tony ingram wrote:Lucy and I have been binge watching the Flash TV show lately, and I have to say, Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell's portrayals of Captain Cold and Heat Wave in that show and Legends of Tomorrow have given me a greater appreciation of those characters.

The show's version of Mirror Master was crap, though.
Which one did they go with: Sam Scudder, the later Evan McCulloch, or some other version?
Rather interestingly, they went with Sam Scudder, but guest star Jay Garrick mentioned that his Earth already had a Mirror Master named Evan McCulloch.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by MajorHoy Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:34 pm

tony ingram wrote:
MajorHoy wrote:Which one did they go with: Sam Scudder, the later Evan McCulloch, or some other version?
Rather interestingly, they went with Sam Scudder, but guest star Jay Garrick mentioned that his Earth already had a Mirror Master named Evan McCulloch.
Should have had his other identity as "David Cassidy". Cool  

Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Flash10
Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Flash18

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by Mbast1 Wed Jun 13, 2018 5:02 pm

MajorHoy wrote:Should have had his other identity as "David Cassidy". Cool

Hey, now. I love that show!

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by MajorHoy Thu Jun 14, 2018 2:11 am

Mbast1 wrote:
MajorHoy wrote:Should have had his other identity as "David Cassidy". Cool
Hey, now. I love that show!
Oh, I did, too.

I just thought that naming him "David Cassidy" would be a nice wink-and-a-nod to that show.
(Besides, naming him "Keith Partridge" might be a little too obscure an acknowledgement for slightly younger viewers to get.)

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by Mbast1 Thu Jun 14, 2018 6:56 pm

MajorHoy wrote:I just thought that naming him "David Cassidy" would be a nice wink-and-a-nod to that show.
(Besides, naming him "Keith Partridge" might be a little too obscure an acknowledgement for slightly younger viewers to get.)

Either way would be fine. Who'd know who David Cassidy was and also NOT know he was Keith Partridge?

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by tony ingram Thu Jun 14, 2018 7:19 pm

Mbast1 wrote:
MajorHoy wrote:I just thought that naming him "David Cassidy" would be a nice wink-and-a-nod to that show.
(Besides, naming him "Keith Partridge" might be a little too obscure an acknowledgement for slightly younger viewers to get.)

Either way would be fine. Who'd know who David Cassidy was and also NOT know he was Keith Partridge?
I don't remember who either of them are... Embarassed
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by MajorHoy Thu Jun 14, 2018 9:05 pm

tony ingram wrote:
Mbast1 wrote:Either way would be fine. Who'd know who David Cassidy was and also NOT know he was Keith Partridge?
I don't remember who either of them are... Embarassed
It may just be an American thing.

Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? 51v03PoYtKL._SY445_

Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? 53f1f785fef62e372d76558644c61f5f_l

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by tony ingram Thu Jun 14, 2018 9:27 pm

Having looked it up, apparently it was quite popular over here, but I'm drawing a complete blank.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by MajorHoy Thu Jun 14, 2018 9:33 pm

tony ingram wrote:Having looked it up, apparently it was quite popular over here, but I'm drawing a complete blank.
Do you have that problem a lot when it comes to the early 1970s? lol!

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by tony ingram Thu Jun 14, 2018 9:37 pm

MajorHoy wrote:
tony ingram wrote:Having looked it up, apparently it was quite popular over here, but I'm drawing a complete blank.
Do you have that problem a lot when it comes to the early 1970s? lol!
I may have blanked out quite a lot after being traumatised by public information films on the BBC. Google "the Spirit of Dark and Lonely Water" and you'll see what I mean...
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by Mbast1 Fri Jun 15, 2018 5:07 pm

tony ingram wrote:Having looked it up, apparently it was quite popular over here, but I'm drawing a complete blank.

You are not missing much. I love the Brady Bunch, but the Partridge Family just leaves me cold.

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by tony ingram Fri Jun 15, 2018 5:24 pm

Mbast1 wrote:
tony ingram wrote:Having looked it up, apparently it was quite popular over here, but I'm drawing a complete blank.

You are not missing much. I love the Brady Bunch, but the Partridge Family just leaves me cold.
Oh, I remember the Brady Bunch! That was a fun show!
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites? Empty Re: Silver/Bronze Age Flash Rogue's Gallery - Favo(u)rites?

Post by MajorHoy Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:51 pm

tony ingram wrote:
Mbast1 wrote:
tony ingram wrote:Having looked it up, apparently it was quite popular over here, but I'm drawing a complete blank.
You are not missing much. I love the Brady Bunch, but the Partridge Family just leaves me cold.
Oh, I remember the Brady Bunch! That was a fun show!
But the "Partridge Family" did put out some better music than the Brady Bunch.
(And then again, Dick and Tim did reference the Brady Bunch way back when Dick was Batman in an issue of Red Robin.)

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