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The Caretaker

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The Caretaker Empty The Caretaker

Post by tony ingram Sat Sep 27, 2014 7:26 pm

Looking forward to this one...
tony ingram
tony ingram

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The Caretaker Empty Re: The Caretaker

Post by tony ingram Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:19 pm

I can see why this has been moved to a later time. The thing with the hand was pretty horrific.

I think Clara is going to have a decision to make sometime soon, because I don't think Danny is going to follow the usual pattern...
tony ingram
tony ingram

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The Caretaker Empty Re: The Caretaker

Post by karatattoo Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:37 pm

Until you mentioned the hand, I had no idea why the BBC moved the show to a later time. That brief scene didn't seem horrific to me at all. Now if we had seen the hand being hacked off...

Here BBC America aired the episode at 9:00pm, which is its usual broadcast time.

As for Clara, what I don't like is Clara becoming a part-time traveler in the Tardis. At one time the companion's travels with the Doctor were ongoing and uninterrupted until it was time to leave. Since the show returned in 2005 this has come up now and then, but now Clara holds a full time job and only seems to go with the Doctor in her spare time.

Her efforts to balance her time with the Doctor and having a normal life interest me not one bit, and Danny Pink has got to go! He's an annoying distraction, and I don't care about his backstory.

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The Caretaker Empty Re: The Caretaker

Post by tony ingram Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:21 pm

karatattoo wrote:Until you mentioned the hand, I had no idea why the BBC moved the show to a later time. That brief scene didn't seem horrific to me at all. Now if we had seen the hand being hacked off...

Here BBC America aired the episode at 9:00pm, which is its usual broadcast time.
Here, it has usually gone out between 6.30 and 7.30. Doctor Who has never started after 9.00PM, it's considered family viewing.

As for Clara, what I don't like is Clara becoming a part-time traveler in the Tardis. At one time the companion's travels with the Doctor were ongoing and uninterrupted until it was time to leave. Since the show returned in 2005 this has come up now and then, but now Clara holds a full time job and only seems to go with the Doctor in her spare time.

Her efforts to balance her time with the Doctor and having a normal life interest me not one bit, and Danny Pink has got to go! He's an annoying distraction, and I don't care about his backstory.
Unfortunately, I think these days that kind of subplot is what audiences expect...
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Join date : 2009-12-24
Age : 55
Location : The Wilds of Suffolk

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