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Comics Oddities

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Comics Oddities Empty Comics Oddities

Post by tony ingram Sat Dec 20, 2014 5:07 pm

Looking through some old paperwork relating to a fanzine I used to publish, I found this one page piece about one of the oddest concepts to come out of British Marvel: Apeslayer. I'm not sure how well it'll reproduce, but on the off chance that anyone's interested, here goes...
Comics Oddities Img887_zpseaa90224
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by tony ingram Mon Jan 05, 2015 6:10 pm

Another piece, on one of British comics' longest running stars (sorry about the spelling errors)...

Comics Oddities Img941_zps868fb4e3
Comics Oddities Img942_zpsbbbf6c8d
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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by Lucy Ingram Thu Jan 08, 2015 9:19 am

Did you write that stuff on a typewriter?
Lucy Ingram
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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by tony ingram Thu Jan 08, 2015 9:23 am

Lucy McGough wrote:Did you write that stuff on a typewriter?
Of course. It was an old fashioned cut'n paste fanzine. That's how they used to be made.
tony ingram
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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by Lucy Ingram Thu Jan 08, 2015 9:31 am

Kewl. That's well retro.
Lucy Ingram
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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by tony ingram Thu Jan 08, 2015 11:56 am

Lucy McGough wrote:Kewl. That's well retro.
It wasn't in the 1990s.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by Lucy Ingram Thu Jan 08, 2015 3:33 pm

Typewriters? They totally were.
Lucy Ingram
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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by Mbast1 Mon Jan 12, 2015 2:12 am

Lucy McGough wrote:Typewriters? They totally were.

Probably not. Sure, computers were becoming more available, but (especially in the early 90's) typewriters were around and standard for a long while. More in some places than others, but until the early 2000's, at least in the US, computers weren't readily accepted as necessary.

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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by tony ingram Mon Jan 12, 2015 8:08 am

Mbast1 wrote:
Lucy McGough wrote:Typewriters? They totally were.

Probably not. Sure, computers were becoming more available, but (especially in the early 90's) typewriters were around and standard for a long while. More in some places than others, but until the early 2000's, at least in the US, computers weren't readily accepted as necessary.
It was the same here. Typewriters didn't really start to disappear until about ten years ago.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by MajorHoy Mon Jan 12, 2015 9:54 pm

tony ingram wrote:
Mbast1 wrote:
Lucy McGough wrote:Typewriters? They totally were.
Probably not. Sure, computers were becoming more available, but (especially in the early 90's) typewriters were around and standard for a long while. More in some places than others, but until the early 2000's, at least in the US, computers weren't readily accepted as necessary.
It was the same here. Typewriters didn't really start to disappear until about ten years ago.
Don't forget that, in-between, there were "word processors", the sort of computerized typewriters.

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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by tony ingram Mon Jan 12, 2015 10:59 pm

I never had one of those!
tony ingram
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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by Lucy Ingram Mon Jan 12, 2015 11:36 pm

...but if you had, it would still be in your house somewhere Very Happy
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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by tony ingram Mon Jan 12, 2015 11:57 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:...but if you had, it would still be in your house somewhere Very Happy
Oi! I threw something away. Once. Mad
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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by Mbast1 Tue Jan 13, 2015 2:07 pm

MajorHoy wrote:Don't forget that, in-between, there were "word processors", the sort of computerized typewriters.


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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by tony ingram Tue Jan 13, 2015 2:10 pm

Mbast1 wrote:
MajorHoy wrote:Don't forget that, in-between, there were "word processors", the sort of computerized typewriters.

Oh, that is beautiful! I thoroughly approve!
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by Mbast1 Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:26 pm

tony ingram wrote:Oh, that is beautiful! I thoroughly approve!

I want one, I think. If they work as they're supposed to, it's a great idea. General purpose laptops are great, but distracting. This could solve that.

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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by MajorHoy Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:32 pm

I still have my old electric typewriter (which I got after I graduated high school so I could take it to college). Don't remember when I last used it, though. (Definitely sometime last century.)

And how many of us remember using the even older manual typewriters? (That's what they had for my high school typing class back in the 1970s, and we even had one in the newsroom when I use to work to work in radio news in the 80s.)

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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by tony ingram Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:33 pm

Mbast1 wrote:
tony ingram wrote:Oh, that is beautiful! I thoroughly approve!

I want one, I think. If they work as they're supposed to, it's a great idea. General purpose laptops are great, but distracting. This could solve that.
I know, it's almost impossible to manage your time properly when you the have the distraction of immediate internet access.
tony ingram
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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by tony ingram Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:34 pm

MajorHoy wrote:I still have my old electric typewriter (which I got after I graduated high school so I could take it to college). Don't remember when I last used it, though. (Definitely sometime last century.)

And how many of us remember using the even older manual typewriters? (That's what they had for my high school typing class back in the 1970s, and we even had one in the newsroom when I use to work to work in radio news in the 80s.)
I still have one! Can't get ribbons for it, though. These days it's purely decorative.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by Mbast1 Wed Jan 14, 2015 10:00 pm

tony ingram wrote:I still have one! Can't get ribbons for it, though. These days it's purely decorative.

I had one my grandmother gave me, kept it for years and finally got rid of it exactly because I couldn't get ribbons for it. Was unhappy about that.

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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by tony ingram Thu Jan 15, 2015 6:57 am

Mbast1 wrote:
tony ingram wrote:I still have one! Can't get ribbons for it, though. These days it's purely decorative.

I had one my grandmother gave me, kept it for years and finally got rid of it exactly because I couldn't get ribbons for it. Was unhappy about that.
I'm still hoping that I'll one day stumble across a supply of ribbons in a junk shop somewhere...
tony ingram
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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by MajorHoy Fri Jan 16, 2015 12:42 am

tony ingram wrote:
Mbast1 wrote:
tony ingram wrote:I still have one! Can't get ribbons for it, though. These days it's purely decorative.

I had one my grandmother gave me, kept it for years and finally got rid of it exactly because I couldn't get ribbons for it. Was unhappy about that.
I'm still hoping that I'll one day stumble across a supply of ribbons in a junk shop somewhere...
What would you blokes refer to as "garage sales" / "yard sales" / "tag sales" over there?

(The terms are used over here when people just decide to take a bunch of items they no longer need / want and sell them off in their garage, or maybe in their yard or driveway. This was way before eBay.)

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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by tony ingram Fri Jan 16, 2015 12:43 am

MajorHoy wrote:
tony ingram wrote:
Mbast1 wrote:
tony ingram wrote:I still have one! Can't get ribbons for it, though. These days it's purely decorative.

I had one my grandmother gave me, kept it for years and finally got rid of it exactly because I couldn't get ribbons for it. Was unhappy about that.
I'm still hoping that I'll one day stumble across a supply of ribbons in a junk shop somewhere...
What would you blokes refer to as "garage sales" / "yard sales" / "tag sales" over there?

(The terms are used over here when people just decide to take a bunch of items they no longer need / want and sell them off in their garage, or maybe in their yard or driveway. This was way before eBay.)
"Jumble sale"
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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by Lucy Ingram Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:32 am

Or a car boot sale.
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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by Mbast1 Fri Jan 16, 2015 7:04 pm


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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by tony ingram Sun Jan 18, 2015 2:12 pm

Thanks! I've just dragged my old Brother typrewriter out of the loft and tried it out, and it still works! I think it's been up there for about eight years!
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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by MajorHoy Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:59 pm

tony ingram wrote:Thanks! I've just dragged my old Brother typrewriter out of the loft and tried it out, and it still works! I think it's been up there for about eight years!
Only eight? Rolling Eyes

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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by tony ingram Sun Jan 18, 2015 8:02 pm

MajorHoy wrote:
tony ingram wrote:Thanks! I've just dragged my old Brother typrewriter out of the loft and tried it out, and it still works! I think it's been up there for about eight years!
Only eight? Rolling Eyes
I'm certain I was still using it in 2006. I think I was still producing an old fashioned cut and paste fanzine at that point.
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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by Lucy Ingram Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:49 pm

I want a go on your typewriter!
Lucy Ingram
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Comics Oddities Empty Re: Comics Oddities

Post by tony ingram Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:55 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:I want a go on your typewriter!
You may have one, any time you like.
tony ingram
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