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Post by tony ingram Sat Apr 29, 2017 8:44 pm

Best episode of the series so far, I thought. Loved the conversation about non existent Pete, and every other line was a potential quote. Great stuff.

Last edited by tony ingram on Wed Oct 28, 2020 10:25 am; edited 1 time in total
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Rate Thin Ice Empty Re: Rate Thin Ice

Post by Lucy Ingram Sat Apr 29, 2017 10:07 pm

A brilliant episode. Sarah Dollard needs to write for the series again. Chemistry between Capaldi and Mackie is great, and Mackie's acting was FIRST CLASS.
Lucy Ingram
Lucy Ingram

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Rate Thin Ice Empty Re: Rate Thin Ice

Post by Mbast1 Tue May 09, 2017 8:56 pm

tony ingram wrote:Best episode of te series so far, I thought. Loved the conversation about non existent Pete, and every other line was a potential quote. Great stuff.

My favorite, so far. One of my friends, who loves the series and has been watching for decades, thinks this season is boring. I disagree. I'm having a lot of fun.

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Rate Thin Ice Empty Re: Rate Thin Ice

Post by tony ingram Wed May 10, 2017 7:14 am

It's weird, this season has been generating some wildly diverse reactions. I think the trouble is, no two fans really have the same idea of what Doctor Who is supposed to be like, as it's been so many things over the years. I can't see how anyone could find this stuff boring, but I was deeply dissatisfied with most of the David Tennant era, which was a huge success with many, because it just felt to me underwritten and lightweight, with too much fake sentiment taking the place of actual plot.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Rate Thin Ice Empty Re: Rate Thin Ice

Post by Mbast1 Wed May 10, 2017 11:19 pm

tony ingram wrote:It's weird, this season has been generating some wildly diverse reactions.

So I've noticed.

tony ingram wrote: I think the trouble is, no two fans really have the same idea of what Doctor Who is supposed to be like, as it's been so many things over the years.

That may be the problem. I was just thinking the other day about how odd it is that we're supposed to see so many different men/actors as "THE" Doctor, but that's the character.

tony ingram wrote:but I was deeply dissatisfied with most of the David Tennant era

Tennant will always be my Doctor. But, I don't get upset when people don't like him, and I certainly like others.

Did I mention that I did finish City of Death before Netflix got rid of Doctor Who? I thought that one was a genuinely fun set of episodes. Then again, I love Adams's work. I just watched the first two episodes of Dirk Gently last night.

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Rate Thin Ice Empty Re: Rate Thin Ice

Post by tony ingram Thu May 11, 2017 8:45 am

Mbast1 wrote:
tony ingram wrote:It's weird, this season has been generating some wildly diverse reactions.

So I've noticed.

tony ingram wrote: I think the trouble is, no two fans really have the same idea of what Doctor Who is supposed to be like, as it's been so many things over the years.

That may be the problem. I was just thinking the other day about how odd it is that we're supposed to see so many different men/actors as "THE" Doctor, but that's the character.
It's not just that-the show has varied wildly in its style and tone over the years, often from one story to the next. In general terms, it started out as a rather schizophrenic show mostly aimed at kids, which alternated between sci-fi in one story and worthy educational historicals (or, occasionally, not so worthy spoof historicals) the next for its first three years, then at some point started veering more towards a sci-fi/horror combination. By 1970 it had switched to "serious" SF for a mostly adut audience, then we had several years of family friendly stuff with a kind of James Bond undercurrent in the "UNIT family" years, then about three years of horror movie pastiches in the Philip Hinchcliffe/Robert Holmes era, followed by a more comedic take under Graham Williams and Douglas Adams, then hard SF under Turner and Bidmead, and that's just in the first eighteen years! And every new viewer's first impression of what the show ought to be like, cemented in place by their first exposure to it, is confounded the next time it changes to a new style. And every fan assumes that "their" version, the one they first discovered, is the way it should be forevermore.

tony ingram wrote:but I was deeply dissatisfied with most of the David Tennant era

Tennant will always be my Doctor. But, I don't get upset when people don't like him, and I certainly like others.

Did I mention that I did finish City of Death before Netflix got rid of Doctor Who? I thought that one was a genuinely fun set of episodes. Then again, I love Adams's work. I just watched the first two episodes of Dirk Gently last night.
I haven't seen any of the new Dirk Gently, but I hope it's better than the last TV adaptation...
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Age : 55
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