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Suicide Squad "review"

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Suicide Squad "review" Empty Suicide Squad "review"

Post by Mbast1 Mon Aug 14, 2017 6:18 pm

I watched Suicide Squad over the weekend and was disappointed, really. I was hoping for more. They tried to make it fun, and it wasn't. It was disjointed, poorly characterized and the best parts were in the trailers.

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Suicide Squad "review" Empty Re: Suicide Squad "review"

Post by Lucy Ingram Fri Aug 18, 2017 7:55 pm

Tony and I enjoyed it, but we went in (a) not expecting that much and (b) with wine. It was kinda ludicrous how all the plot-important people survived helicopter crashes which killed dozens of red-shirts.
Lucy Ingram
Lucy Ingram

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Suicide Squad "review" Empty Re: Suicide Squad "review"

Post by Mbast1 Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:11 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:with wine.

That seems to make everything more enjoyable. My friend and his wife seem to see a lot of movies with alcohol as a help. He actually got me to see House of a Thousand Corpses based on having seen it with his wife. Only afterwards did he tell me he'd seen it that way.
Worst movie I ever saw!

Lucy McGough wrote: It was kinda ludicrous how all the plot-important people survived helicopter crashes which killed dozens of red-shirts.

Isn't that always how action movies work, though? The lead character never misses, but the villains shoot like they're on the A-Team. (If you don't get that, ask Tony)

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Join date : 2012-02-02

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