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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by MajorHoy Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:12 pm

Well, I started one for MARVEL, so it only seems fair to do one for DC Comics.

Went to a comic book store yesterday (first time since "Free Comic Book Day" last month) and picked up a few titles from DC:

Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? 325?cb=20180501225451
* Action Comics Special #1
(the last Superman story written by Dan Jurgens now that Brian M. Bendis is taking over)

Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? 325?cb=20180522222620
* Batgirl #23
(the last Batgirl story written by Hope Larson; Shawn Aldridge is suppose to be writing #24, then Mairghread Scott is suppose to be writing Barbara's adventures)

Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? 325?cb=20180509120129
* Immortal Men #2
(only reason I'm buying the first few issues of this is to see about Ghost Fist)

Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? 290?cb=20180607181016
* Scooby-Doo! Team-Up #38
(Sholly Fisch's writing is always fun!)

and I got the free issue of
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* DC Nation #1
(no actual comic book stories; just a promo mag on various DC comics)

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by Mbast1 Fri Jun 08, 2018 6:46 pm

MajorHoy wrote:Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? 290?cb=20180607181016
* Scooby-Doo! Team-Up #38
(Sholly Fisch's writing is always fun!)

This one (or two, I think) I got on Comixology for .99, and I look forward to reading it. (Yes, I know it violates my rule)...

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by Lucy Ingram Sat Jun 09, 2018 10:55 am

We won't tell anyone if you don't Wink
Lucy Ingram
Lucy Ingram

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by Mbast1 Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:43 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:We won't tell anyone if you don't Wink

I will know. Well, and YOU, since I told people here...

I'd make a terrible spy.

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by MajorHoy Wed Jun 13, 2018 4:49 pm

Mbast1 wrote:
Lucy McGough wrote:We won't tell anyone if you don't Wink
I will know. Well, and YOU, since I told people here...

I'd make a terrible spy.
Couldn't be any worse than these two:
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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by MajorHoy Mon Jun 25, 2018 8:37 pm

Needed to get more sunflower seed for the birds & other critters, so I also stopped at the comic book shop. Only titles I got from DC were:
Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? C9eed3ec66f60061c2816031eeb32f78_xl
* Batman: Prelude to the Wedding - Batgirl vs. Riddler
(only because it did feature Batgirl; I'm skipping the ones with Nightwing, Robin (Damian), and Red Hood)

Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? 2c5f4bf54c3cb0d7fd535f2dc54848c0_xl
* Immortal Men #3
(the cover worries me as to how bad this issue could be)


I did look over Hawkman #1 (there were two copies with the variant cover left), but I'm still on the fence.
Maybe I'll just wait for the tpb collection to come out and decide then.

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by Mbast1 Mon Jun 25, 2018 9:08 pm

MajorHoy wrote:Couldn't be any worse than these two:
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I used to love those two.

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by tony ingram Thu Jul 12, 2018 2:27 pm

MajorHoy wrote:Needed to get more sunflower seed for the birds & other critters, so I also stopped at the comic book shop. Only titles I got from DC were:
Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? C9eed3ec66f60061c2816031eeb32f78_xl
* Batman: Prelude to the Wedding - Batgirl vs. Riddler
(only because it did feature Batgirl; I'm skipping the ones with Nightwing, Robin (Damian), and Red Hood)

Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? 2c5f4bf54c3cb0d7fd535f2dc54848c0_xl
* Immortal Men #3
(the cover worries me as to how bad this issue could be)


I did look over Hawkman #1 (there were two copies with the variant cover left), but I'm still on the fence.
Maybe I'll just wait for the tpb collection to come out and decide then.
I'm liking Hawkman, so far. Couldn't get into Immortal Men. I did like that Batgirl/Riddler issue, but I don't like how Riddler was drawn. He's always been slim and dapper, whereas here he looks more like Bill Sykes from Oliver Twist. Riddler is not a musclebound thug!
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by MajorHoy Thu Jul 12, 2018 3:21 pm

tony ingram wrote:
MajorHoy wrote:Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? 2c5f4bf54c3cb0d7fd535f2dc54848c0_xl
* Immortal Men #3
(the cover worries me as to how bad this issue could be)

. . . Couldn't get into Immortal Men.!
I'm probably going to be dropping it shortly. It really does read like a mediocre-to-bad Image comic from the early-1990s.
(Not quite Rob Liefeld-"writing" bad, but . . . )

I really was only buying it to see if/how much they'd have on GhostFist (because the idea of a hero in Harlem originally in the 1920s sounded intriguing).

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by tony ingram Thu Jul 12, 2018 3:44 pm

MajorHoy wrote:
tony ingram wrote:
MajorHoy wrote:Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? 2c5f4bf54c3cb0d7fd535f2dc54848c0_xl
* Immortal Men #3
(the cover worries me as to how bad this issue could be)

. . . Couldn't get into Immortal Men.!
I'm probably going to be dropping it shortly. It really does read like a mediocre-to-bad Image comic from the early-1990s.
(Not quite Rob Liefeld-"writing" bad, but . . . )

I really was only buying it to see if/how much they'd have on GhostFist (because the idea of a hero in Harlem originally in the 1920s sounded intriguing).
I read the first couple because I, perhaps rather stupidly, assumed it would deal with the DCU's already established immortals, like Vandal Savage and Uncle Sam (who were briefly seen in Dark Knights: Metal, and whom I have an interest in). I don't really care about this new lot, so it's failed to grip me.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by MajorHoy Thu Jul 12, 2018 8:10 pm

tony ingram wrote:I read the first couple because I, perhaps rather stupidly, assumed it would deal with the DCU's already established immortals, like Vandal Savage and Uncle Sam (who were briefly seen in Dark Knights: Metal, and whom I have an interest in). I don't really care about this new lot, so it's failed to grip me.
Well, it ties in to a different old DC character:
Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Reincarnation-self-immortal-man-whos-who-11-dc

who was later connected with
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Post by tony ingram Thu Jul 12, 2018 10:03 pm

I know. I just never found him that interesting.
Or at all interesting, really.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by Lucy Ingram Sat Jul 14, 2018 11:19 am

Wait... they had a lass called Dolphin on their team because she was really good at swimming?!
Lucy Ingram
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Post by tony ingram Sat Jul 14, 2018 12:28 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:Wait... they had a lass called Dolphin on their team because she was really good at swimming?!
Well...and could breathe underwater!
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by MajorHoy Sat Jul 14, 2018 3:06 pm

tony ingram wrote:
Lucy McGough wrote:Wait... they had a lass called Dolphin on their team because she was really good at swimming?!
Well...and could breathe underwater!
She was probably a bit closer to a mermaid, but without the tail and with the ability to survive on land as well.

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Post by Lucy Ingram Sun Jul 15, 2018 8:06 am

Still a really boring 'superpower'.
Lucy Ingram
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Post by MajorHoy Sun Jul 15, 2018 2:52 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:Still a really boring 'superpower'.
You would prefer that her power consist of maybe green flames shooting out of her nose?

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by tony ingram Sun Jul 15, 2018 3:11 pm

MajorHoy wrote:
Lucy McGough wrote:Still a really boring 'superpower'.
You would prefer that her power consist of maybe green flames shooting out of her nose?
Well, it worked for Green Fury...
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Post by Lucy Ingram Sun Jul 15, 2018 3:42 pm

MajorHoy wrote:You would prefer that her power consist of maybe green flames shooting out of her nose?

At least you can use that to attack stuff.
Lucy Ingram
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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by MajorHoy Sun Jul 29, 2018 2:48 am

Stopped at the comic book shop today (after buying more sunflower & bird seed elsewhere again) and got:
Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? E398493d9387bcd26264fe839863340c_xl
* Batgirl #24

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* Immortal Men #4

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? 6ff40286483bc03a9d2a7649979bd3d9_xl
* Scooby-Doo! Team-Up #39
* Scooby-Doo! Team-Up #40

Plus I bought a couple of books from Dark Horse and one from Dynamite.
(I also looked over Catwoman #1, but might just wait for a tpb collection on that.)

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by tony ingram Sun Jul 29, 2018 1:12 pm

We've just read Mera #6, Aquaman #38, Flash #51, Terrifics #6, Barbarella #8, Detective Comics #985, Action Comics #1001, Wonder Woman and, in my case, Doomsday Clock #6 (Lucy is boycotting it in solidarity with Alan Moore).
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Post by Lucy Ingram Sun Jul 29, 2018 2:31 pm

I'm also boycotting Terrifics because I don't like it.

And we read Justice League Dark as well. We thought it was very good.
Lucy Ingram
Lucy Ingram

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by MajorHoy Sun Jul 29, 2018 2:56 pm

tony ingram wrote:We've just read Mera #6, Aquaman #38, Flash #51, Terrifics #6, Barbarella #8, Detective Comics #985, Action Comics #1001, Wonder Woman and, in my case, Doomsday Clock #6 (Lucy is boycotting it in solidarity with Alan Moore).
By the way, Barbarella is Dynamite, not DC, isn't it?

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by tony ingram Sun Jul 29, 2018 4:17 pm

Lucy Ingram wrote:I'm also boycotting Terrifics because I don't like it.

And we read Justice League Dark as well. We thought it was very good.
Oh, I forgot that! Yes, best new tite they've put out in a while.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by tony ingram Sun Jul 29, 2018 4:18 pm

MajorHoy wrote:
tony ingram wrote:We've just read Mera #6, Aquaman #38, Flash #51, Terrifics #6, Barbarella #8, Detective Comics #985, Action Comics #1001, Wonder Woman and, in my case, Doomsday Clock #6 (Lucy is boycotting it in solidarity with Alan Moore).
By the way, Barbarella is Dynamite, not DC, isn't it?
It is. I also read Red Sonja from Dynamite.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by MajorHoy Sat Aug 25, 2018 9:25 pm

Once again I stopped at the comic book shop today (after buying more sunflower seed elsewhere again) and got:
Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? B894b9cc153dc7ce3b537c244077e89c_xl
* Batgirl #25

Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? 5f37f17c862b0979e900c2eaa431fed2_xl
* Immortal Men #5 (of 6)

Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Fb2a832c54493da7b13297dca1ac78ee_xl
* Scooby-Doo! Team-Up #41

and from back issues,
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* Batman: Gotham Noir (Elseworlds; 2001)

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* JSA #37 (August 2002) JSA #37 from the $1.00 bin

Also bought a couple of books from Dark Horse and a couple from Dynamite.

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Post by tony ingram Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:20 am

I got all excited for a second there, and thought there was a new JSA title... Sad

Last edited by tony ingram on Mon Aug 27, 2018 8:51 am; edited 1 time in total
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Post by MajorHoy Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:10 pm

tony ingram wrote:I got all excited for a second there, and thought there was a new JSA title... Sad
I would say "I wish", but there's also that part of me who wonders/is afraid of who DC would get to write a JSA series these days.
(It might be a case of "damned if they do, damned if they don't"!)

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Post by MajorHoy Sun Sep 23, 2018 7:32 pm

Made my (somewhat) monthly comic book shop trip yesterday and bought:
Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? 14defc7aaa5934558a21542e76ecbcf3_xl
* Batgirl #26

Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? 4456ffe7834cd87122c80dc399e80105_xl
* Batgirl Annual #2

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* Detective Comics Annual #1 (from back in January)

Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? A4c3b5e12e3e762999414fd99f3a7c3c_xl
* Batman: Kings of Fear #1 (of 6)

and from back issues,
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* Batman: Riddler- The Riddle Factory (1995)

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* Batman/Scarface: A Psychodrama (2001)

Also bought a couple of books from Dark Horse, one from Dynamite,and my first Marvel comic book in a little while:
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Captain America Annual #1 (with a story set during WWII).

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Post by Mbast1 Fri Sep 28, 2018 8:38 pm

tony ingram wrote:I got all excited for a second there, and thought there was a new JSA title... Sad

Apparently Doomsday Clock is addressing the JSA in #7. Anyone read it and have thoughts?

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Post by MajorHoy Sat Sep 29, 2018 12:24 am

Mbast1 wrote:
tony ingram wrote:I got all excited for a second there, and thought there was a new JSA title... Sad

Apparently Doomsday Clock is addressing the JSA in #7. Anyone read it and have thoughts?
I'm not reading it (for various {EXPLETIVE DELETED} reasons), but from what I've heard it supposedly explained how the JSA was removed from continuity without showing why we had Jay apparently trapped in the Speed Force (as seen in last year's "The Button" Batman/Flash crossover) nor have I heard if there was an explanation why Johnny Thunder still remembers what he has been shown to remember.

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Post by MajorHoy Sun Oct 07, 2018 12:24 am

Today I bought:
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* Batgirl #27

Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Bc1a307bf97eb17921b23331dd18471d_xl
* Batman: Kings of Fear #2 (of 6)

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* Scooby-Doo! Team-Up #42

(And a few Imaginext®️ DC Super Friends™️ figures)

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Post by tony ingram Sun Oct 07, 2018 12:21 pm

I bought Batgirl, too. Really don't like that headgear.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Post by MajorHoy Sun Oct 07, 2018 3:22 pm

tony ingram wrote:I bought Batgirl, too. Really don't like that headgear.
Didn't read the issue just yet, but hoping that part is just a temporary phase.

Then again, at the beginning of the New52, they retconned her original first outfit (pre-TKJ) to look like:
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Post by tony ingram Sun Oct 07, 2018 3:58 pm

MajorHoy wrote:
tony ingram wrote:I bought Batgirl, too. Really don't like that headgear.
Didn't read the issue just yet, but hoping that part is just a temporary phase.

Then again, at the beginning of the New52, they retconned her original first outfit (pre-TKJ) to look like:
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Thankfully, I never saw any of that.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Post by MajorHoy Mon Oct 08, 2018 2:27 am

By the way, here's what the variant cover on Batgirl #28 is suppose to look like:
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While I'm not quite sold on the face (looks more like a Nancy Drew type?), I feel like the mask/bat-ears part doesn't look as questionable. (Though I'd still rather have the full cowl back).

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Post by tony ingram Mon Oct 08, 2018 11:21 am

Sorry, cowl or nothing for me. She looks like Catwoman!
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Post by MajorHoy Mon Oct 08, 2018 3:16 pm

tony ingram wrote:Sorry, cowl or nothing for me. She looks like Catwoman!
Babs is too cute to be a sexy Catwoman! Wink

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Post by tony ingram Tue Oct 09, 2018 10:09 am

I've always thought she was sexy...well, until they inexpicably de-aged her...
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Post by MajorHoy Tue Oct 09, 2018 3:14 pm

tony ingram wrote:I've always thought she was sexy...well, until they inexpicably de-aged her...
I'm guessing part of that was because she seemed closer to Dick's age in Batman The Animated Series than she had been in the comic books, making that the more "iconic" interpretation (as opposed to the original age difference back in the comic book stories starting in the late 1960s).

As for "sexy" . . . well, Babs was never as seductively sexy as your typical Catwoman was! (Selina was always a "naughty sexy"! Twisted Evil )

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Post by tony ingram Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:18 am

Is the animated series really that well remembered? It was over twenty years ago...
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Post by MajorHoy Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:06 pm

tony ingram wrote:Is the animated series really that well remembered? It was over twenty years ago...
I think that, in general, more people saw that than those who would have been familiar with comic books. Besides, many of those people who watched the animated series back in the day (or later in reruns) are maybe in their 30s or so now? What percentage of the current comic book buying audience may have been first exposed to Barbara as Batgirl through the animated series?

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by tony ingram Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:27 am

MajorHoy wrote:
tony ingram wrote:Is the animated series really that well remembered? It was over twenty years ago...
I think that, in general, more people saw that than those who would have been familiar with comic books. Besides, many of those people who watched the animated series back in the day (or later in reruns) are maybe in their 30s or so now? What percentage of the current comic book buying audience may have been first exposed to Barbara as Batgirl through the animated series?
Hmm, fair point, I guess. I never really took much notice of it, myself.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Post by MajorHoy Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:47 pm

tony ingram wrote:
MajorHoy wrote:What percentage of the current comic book buying audience may have been first exposed to Barbara as Batgirl through the animated series?
Hmm, fair point, I guess. I never really took much notice of it, myself.
Here in the U.S., Batman: The Animated Series was a popular afternoon (afterschool) cartoon/animated series. And don't forget a few characters that originated on the series (such as Harley Quinn and Renee Montoya) later became regulars (or at least semi-regulars) in the expanded comic book cast of characters.
Not sure how much of an impact / how often it was shown on the telly across the pond, so that may make a difference in how you perceived it.

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Post by tony ingram Fri Oct 12, 2018 10:13 am

I know it was shown over here for awhile, but the only times I can remember catching it were when it was on at about midnight...
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by Mbast1 Tue Oct 23, 2018 6:47 pm

tony ingram wrote:I know it was shown over here for awhile, but the only times I can remember catching it were when it was on at about midnight...

It is very well regarded here. A complete Bluray run is coming soon, and I think there's a fair bit of excitement.

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Post by tony ingram Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:58 am

I think I still preferred Brave & the Bold.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Post by MajorHoy Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:15 pm

tony ingram wrote:I think I still preferred Brave & the Bold.
The thing about the Brave & the Bold animated series was that it could be more overly tongue-in-cheek at times (granted, I didn't see every episode, but that was the overall impression I got from what I did see).
Batman: The Animated Series wasn't GrimDark, but it had a very noirish/Fleischer-Superman-animated feel to it that was a bit more serious but not totally without any humor.

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by tony ingram Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:19 pm

MajorHoy wrote:
tony ingram wrote:I think I still preferred Brave & the Bold.
The thing about the Brave & the Bold animated series was that it could be more overly tongue-in-cheek at times (granted, I didn't see every episode, but that was the overall impression I got from what I did see).
Batman: The Animated Series wasn't GrimDark, but it had a very noirish/Fleischer-Superman-animated feel to it that was a bit more serious but not totally without any humor.
I agree, but that noirish feel generally does little for me when it comes to animation, I prefer the lighter touch.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by Barry_Allen Wed Dec 12, 2018 4:56 pm

Hi there, just wanted to let you know my latest Dc Comics comic books ordered last month from Previews:

- SUPERMAN 100 PAGE SPECTACULAR #1  do you remember the Superman Confidential series? These are the Claudio Castellini (Silver Surfer, Nathan Never) drawn issues, unpublished at time due to series being axed!  Cool

- Detective Comics # 997: as we are approaching Dc # 1000 I wanted read the forthcoming issues of this title;

- GREEN LANTERN #3 with Grant Morrison and Liam Sharp you can't be wrong, can't you?  drunken

- HAWKMAN #8 I will supposedly like these space opera issues;

- HEROES IN CRISIS #5 (OF 9) VAR ED Yes, I have been ordering/following these crossover, but do they really plan to kill the character of the similar (to mine) name here?  Mad

- JUSTICE LEAGUE ODYSSEY #5 drawn by Italian great artist Carmine di Giandomenico, formerly on Flash;

- PEARL #6 (MR) first regular issue of this formerly mini-series of the "Bendis Universe", let's see how it works..

cheers! cheers

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