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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? - Page 2 Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by tony ingram Wed Dec 12, 2018 5:44 pm

Barry_Allen wrote:Hi there, just wanted to let you know my latest Dc Comics comic books ordered last month from Previews:

- SUPERMAN 100 PAGE SPECTACULAR #1  do you remember the Superman Confidential series? These are the Claudio Castellini (Silver Surfer, Nathan Never) drawn issues, unpublished at time due to series being axed!  Cool

- Detective Comics # 997: as we are approaching Dc # 1000 I wanted read the forthcoming issues of this title;

- GREEN LANTERN #3 with Grant Morrison and Liam Sharp you can't be wrong, can't you?  drunken

- HAWKMAN #8 I will supposedly like these space opera issues;

- HEROES IN CRISIS #5 (OF 9) VAR ED Yes, I have been ordering/following these crossover, but do they really plan to kill the character of the similar (to mine) name here?  Mad

- JUSTICE LEAGUE ODYSSEY #5 drawn by Italian great artist Carmine di Giandomenico, formerly on Flash;

- PEARL #6 (MR) first regular issue of this formerly mini-series of the "Bendis Universe", let's see how it works..

cheers! cheers
I doubt they'll kill Barry. And the more major characters they kill off, the more convinced I am that many of them will turn out not to be dead. Arsenal I could believe, but Wally? After the last two years? No. And Poison Ivy? Seriously?
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? - Page 2 Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by Mbast1 Wed Dec 12, 2018 10:27 pm

tony ingram wrote:I think I still preferred Brave & the Bold.

Completely different tone, but I love both. B&B had a ton of characters I would never have thought I'd see on tv.

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? - Page 2 Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by tony ingram Wed Dec 12, 2018 10:46 pm

Mbast1 wrote:
tony ingram wrote:I think I still preferred Brave & the Bold.

Completely different tone, but I love both. B&B had a ton of characters I would never have thought I'd see on tv.
Detective Chimp!!! Very Happy
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? - Page 2 Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by Mbast1 Fri Dec 21, 2018 6:56 pm

tony ingram wrote:Detective Chimp!!! Very Happy

Bwana beast. Guy Gardner. And many others. It was so fun.

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? - Page 2 Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by tony ingram Fri Dec 21, 2018 7:06 pm

Mbast1 wrote:
tony ingram wrote:Detective Chimp!!! Very Happy

Bwana beast. Guy Gardner. And many others. It was so fun.
Do you remember the ones with the JSA? They were great! And Aquaman and his family on a road trip!!!
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? - Page 2 Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by tony ingram Sat Nov 30, 2019 1:16 pm

I've posted elsewhere about the new Question series, but I'm also really enjoying the new Metal Men limited series, the utterly bizxarre Inferior Five, and (based on the first issue), the relaunched Hellblazer (John Constantine seems to be showing up everywhere at the moment).
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? - Page 2 Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by Barry_Allen Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:46 am

tony ingram wrote:
tony ingram wrote:Detective Chimp!!! Very Happy
Mbast wrote:

Bwana beast.
Do you remember the ones with the JSA? They were great! And Aquaman and his family on a road trip!!!

These characters and storyline all appeared on The Brave and the Bold? Rolling Eyes Do you know if a chronology of this series exists online? Question cyclops

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? - Page 2 Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by tony ingram Mon Dec 02, 2019 10:09 am

Barry_Allen wrote:
tony ingram wrote:
tony ingram wrote:Detective Chimp!!! Very Happy
Mbast wrote:

Bwana beast.
Do you remember the ones with the JSA? They were great! And Aquaman and his family on a road trip!!!

These characters and storyline all appeared on The Brave and the Bold? Rolling Eyes Do you know if a chronology of this series exists online? Question cyclops
I've never seen one, but then, I've never looked! Those two B&B episodes with the JSA were great, I have the first one on DVD and watch it quite regularly.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? - Page 2 Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by Barry_Allen Fri Nov 04, 2022 11:29 am

I guess it's time to revamp this topic, so here's my latest Dc Comic ordered:

- Swamp Thing Green Hell # 1
- Mad Magazine # 28 (the 70th Anniversay issue!)
- Mad Magazine # 29
- Dc Connect # 31, 32
- Batman Spawn Jim Lee cover Cool

That's all folks! Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? - Page 2 403549 for now

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? - Page 2 Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by MajorHoy Fri Nov 04, 2022 2:45 pm

When I was at a comic book shop two weekends ago I got:
* DC's Terrors Through Time #1 (one-shot) includes the Justice Society of America story
* Flashpoint Beyond #6 (of 6) only bought issue #6 because it leads into the upcoming The New Golden Age one-shot
* GCPD: The Blue Wall #1 will give it a try . . .

Terrors Through Time had one fun story (the Super Sons by Sholly Fisch) and one not-bad story (the Justice Society), but the rest of the issue wasn't worth the bother for me. GCPD: The Blue Wall #1 was okay, but nothing that really makes me want to buy any future issues. And Flashpoint Beyond #6 offered nothing to make me want to buy the previous issues in the series.

I'm planning to try the Johns' JSA and Stargirl stuff coming out this month, but there's really not anything else from DC that makes me want to spend money on their books. The few things I might have wanted have writers I don't like or don't care about / don't know anything about.

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? - Page 2 Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by tony ingram Fri Nov 04, 2022 2:48 pm

My most recent DC picks are the latest issues of Sword of Azrael, Batman, Batman: Knightwatch, Batman/Joker: Deadly Duo, Dark Knights of Steel, Gotham City Year One, Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing, Poison Ivy, and New Champion of Shazam. All but one of them Batman related. The only new DC title released this week that wasn't is New Champion of Shazam.
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tony ingram

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? - Page 2 Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by Mbast1 Wed Nov 09, 2022 7:13 am

I've been buying the Dark Crisis books, when I can find them. I'm missing some and I'll wait until the end and read them all at once. We shall see what I like, I guess.

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? - Page 2 Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by tony ingram Wed Nov 09, 2022 11:34 am

Dark Crisis has me both hopeful and apprehensive. At this point, I have no idea what the outcome will be.
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tony ingram

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? - Page 2 Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by MajorHoy Fri Dec 09, 2022 9:57 pm

Went to the comic book shop today and the DC books I bought were:
* The New Golden Age #1 (one-shot)
* Stargirl: The Lost Children #1 (of 6)
* Justice Society of America #1 (of 12)
* Detective Comics #38 (facsimile edition; orig. 1940)

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? - Page 2 Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by tony ingram Fri Dec 09, 2022 11:56 pm

I'm really enjoying what's happening with the JSA and Stargirl. Clearly, our not so mysterious mystery villain (hello, Per) is messing with the JSA timeline, but it's interesting that they're tying it into some fairly obscure pre-Crisis continuity. Frederic Vaux!!!?
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? - Page 2 Empty Re: Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently?

Post by MajorHoy Wed Jan 18, 2023 9:28 pm

Went to the comic book shop today and the only books I bought were:
Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? - Page 2 Stargi13
* Stargirl: The Lost Children #2 (of 6)

Buy any DC comic books (or related stuff) recently? - Page 2 Stargi14
* Stargirl: The Lost Children #3 (of 6)

Justice Society of America #2 isn't due out until the end of the month.

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