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Marvel's Runaways

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Marvel's Runaways Empty Marvel's Runaways

Post by tony ingram Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:30 pm

OK, just coming up to the conclusion of series one of Runaways, and I'm quite impressed-though it definitely takes a lot of liberties with the comics continuity. Thoughts, anyone?

Last edited by tony ingram on Tue Jun 19, 2018 11:30 am; edited 1 time in total
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Marvel's Runaways Empty Re: Marvel's Runaways

Post by Lucy Ingram Sun Jun 17, 2018 11:14 am

I think I prefer it to the comic Embarassed
Lucy Ingram
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Marvel's Runaways Empty Re: Marvel's Runaways

Post by tony ingram Sun Jun 17, 2018 12:18 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:I think I prefer it to the comic Embarassed
It's certainly one of the better adaptations, and the characters are perfectly cast. It's a shame it took them to the very last episode to actually get around to running away, but never mind, I guess it at least guarantees season two.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Marvel's Runaways Empty Re: Marvel's Runaways

Post by Mbast1 Tue Jun 19, 2018 12:51 am

tony ingram wrote:OK, just coming up to the conclusion of series one of Runaways, and I'm quite impressed-though it definitely takes a lot of liberties with the comics continuity. Thoughts, anyone?

It's on my "to watch" list, but nowhere near getting to it.

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Marvel's Runaways Empty Re: Marvel's Runaways

Post by tony ingram Tue Jun 19, 2018 11:32 am

Mbast1 wrote:
tony ingram wrote:OK, just coming up to the conclusion of series one of Runaways, and I'm quite impressed-though it definitely takes a lot of liberties with the comics continuity. Thoughts, anyone?

It's on my "to watch" list, but nowhere near getting to it.
There is just so much stuff out there at the moment, isn't there? Who would have imagined twenty years ago there'd be so many comics related TV shows and movies that it would be almost impossible to keep up with them all?
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Marvel's Runaways Empty Re: Marvel's Runaways

Post by Mbast1 Tue Jun 19, 2018 5:50 pm

tony ingram wrote:There is just so much stuff out there at the moment, isn't there? Who would have imagined twenty years ago there'd be so many comics related TV shows and movies that it would be almost impossible to keep up with them all?

Oh, I agree. Given both the paucity and the quality of prior tv/movies about superheroes, I'm not complaining TOO much.

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Marvel's Runaways Empty Re: Marvel's Runaways

Post by Lucy Ingram Sat Jun 23, 2018 12:20 pm

tony ingram wrote:It's certainly one of the better adaptations, and the characters are perfectly cast. It's a shame it took them to the very last episode to actually get around to running away, but never mind, I guess it at least guarantees season two.
Yeah, maybe by the end of season two they'll have actually left the city. But I wouldn't hold my breath Razz
Lucy Ingram
Lucy Ingram

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Marvel's Runaways Empty Re: Marvel's Runaways

Post by MajorHoy Sat Jun 23, 2018 3:06 pm

Lucy McGough wrote:
tony ingram wrote:It's certainly one of the better adaptations, and the characters are perfectly cast. It's a shame it took them to the very last episode to actually get around to running away, but never mind, I guess it at least guarantees season two.
Yeah, maybe by the end of season two they'll have actually left the city. But I wouldn't hold my breath Razz
Maybe it should have been called "Walkaways"?

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Marvel's Runaways Empty Re: Marvel's Runaways

Post by tony ingram Sat Jun 23, 2018 4:17 pm

MajorHoy wrote:
Lucy McGough wrote:
tony ingram wrote:It's certainly one of the better adaptations, and the characters are perfectly cast. It's a shame it took them to the very last episode to actually get around to running away, but never mind, I guess it at least guarantees season two.
Yeah, maybe by the end of season two they'll have actually left the city. But I wouldn't hold my breath Razz
Maybe it should have been called "Walkaways"?
More sort of ShuffleSlowlyAways...
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Marvel's Runaways Empty Re: Marvel's Runaways

Post by MajorHoy Sat Jun 23, 2018 4:50 pm

tony ingram wrote:
MajorHoy wrote:
Lucy McGough wrote:
tony ingram wrote:It's certainly one of the better adaptations, and the characters are perfectly cast. It's a shame it took them to the very last episode to actually get around to running away, but never mind, I guess it at least guarantees season two.
Yeah, maybe by the end of season two they'll have actually left the city. But I wouldn't hold my breath Razz
Maybe it should have been called "Walkaways"?
More sort of ShuffleSlowlyAways...
If they were toddlers, it could be "Crawlaways"!

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