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Superman 40th anniversary

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Superman 40th anniversary Empty Superman 40th anniversary

Post by Mbast1 Wed Nov 28, 2018 5:27 pm

Having a bit more money than usual, ahhh family, I splurged and went to see the rerelease of Superman the movie. There were 5 people in the theater, I think these kinds of events might be losing their interest. Anyway, I know I'll never be able to look at this thing objectively, it had too much of an impact when I was 11. And it IS a bit dated, though it could be a lot worse. But I have to say I still enjoyed it. Jor-El forbade Superman to change human history, and to only inspire them. And THAT came through. I know I've ranted about Man of Steel before and I won't do it again, but there was no hope in it, despite that being part of the dialogue. This version of Superman felt like he could inspire people. Because he was kind, open, compassionate.
I can't say I felt the same as when I first saw it at 11, but I can definitely see WHY I reacted the way I did.
And I need to go reread the Elliot S! Maggin novels.

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Superman 40th anniversary Empty Re: Superman 40th anniversary

Post by MajorHoy Fri Nov 30, 2018 12:07 am

Mbast1 wrote:Having a bit more money than usual, ahhh family, I splurged and went to see the rerelease of Superman the movie. There were 5 people in the theater, I think these kinds of events might be losing their interest. Anyway, I know I'll never be able to look at this thing objectively, it had too much of an impact when I was 11. And it IS a bit dated, though it could be a lot worse. But I have to say I still enjoyed it. Jor-El forbade Superman to change human history, and to only inspire them. And THAT came through. I know I've ranted about Man of Steel before and I won't do it again, but there was no hope in it, despite that being part of the dialogue. This version of Superman felt like he could inspire people. Because he was kind, open, compassionate.
I can't say I felt the same as when I first saw it at 11, but I can definitely see WHY I reacted the way I did.
Well, I was a bit older than you back then (had my driver's license but hadn't graduated high school yet) and still remember being impressed by how they made things seem so realistic in the days before CGI.
Haven't seen it again in ages (probably not even during this century) and don't know how well it would hold up these days for me, but it was definitely impressive back in the day.

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Superman 40th anniversary Empty Re: Superman 40th anniversary

Post by tony ingram Fri Nov 30, 2018 9:11 am

I saw it when it first came out and have seen it innumerable times since, it's still one of the best superhero movies ever. I still think Gene Hackman is the definitive screen Luthor, too! Frightening to think it's forty years old, though...
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Superman 40th anniversary Empty Re: Superman 40th anniversary

Post by MajorHoy Fri Nov 30, 2018 2:58 pm

tony ingram wrote:I saw it when it first came out and have seen it innumerable times since, it's still one of the best superhero movies ever. I still think Gene Hackman is the definitive screen Luthor, too! Frightening to think it's forty years old, though...
And also depressing to think how many people who starred in that movie are no longer with us . . .

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Superman 40th anniversary Empty Re: Superman 40th anniversary

Post by tony ingram Fri Nov 30, 2018 3:29 pm

MajorHoy wrote:
tony ingram wrote:I saw it when it first came out and have seen it innumerable times since, it's still one of the best superhero movies ever. I still think Gene Hackman is the definitive screen Luthor, too! Frightening to think it's forty years old, though...
And also depressing to think how many people who starred in that movie are no longer with us . . .
It would probably take less time to list those who are still alive...
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Superman 40th anniversary Empty Re: Superman 40th anniversary

Post by Mbast1 Fri Nov 30, 2018 7:35 pm

tony ingram wrote:I saw it when it first came out and have seen it innumerable times since

So have I. I think I have it on more than 1 form of media.

tony ingram wrote: Frightening to think it's forty years old, though...

Yeah. Some days I feel like I'm 100 years old.

MajorHoy wrote:but it was definitely impressive back in the day

I really enjoyed it, even now.

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Superman 40th anniversary Empty Re: Superman 40th anniversary

Post by tony ingram Fri Nov 30, 2018 9:59 pm

I think it still stands up really well. Aside from the fashions, it hasn't really dated that badly.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Superman 40th anniversary Empty Re: Superman 40th anniversary

Post by MajorHoy Sat Dec 01, 2018 12:13 am

tony ingram wrote:I think it still stands up really well. Aside from the fashions, it hasn't really dated that badly.
What about technology?

Were the reporters using computers, word processors, electric typewriters, or maybe even manual typewriters? (Off-hand, I can't recall.)

What about telephones? I remember a lack of classic phone booths, but did they still have pay phones? Any cellphones? (I don't know about where some of you live, but I can't remember the last time I encountered a working coin-operated pay phone for general public use!)

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Superman 40th anniversary Empty Re: Superman 40th anniversary

Post by tony ingram Sat Dec 01, 2018 10:38 am

MajorHoy wrote:
tony ingram wrote:I think it still stands up really well. Aside from the fashions, it hasn't really dated that badly.
What about technology?

Were the reporters using computers, word processors, electric typewriters, or maybe even manual typewriters? (Off-hand, I can't recall.)

What about telephones? I remember a lack of classic phone booths, but did they still have pay phones? Any cellphones? (I don't know about where some of you live, but I can't remember the last time I encountered a working coin-operated pay phone for general public use!)
We still have working public phone boxes. I don't know how much use they get these days, but they're still around. Though I think they all accept debit cards these days.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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