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Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019

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Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019 Empty Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019

Post by MajorHoy Thu Dec 20, 2018 2:37 am

Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019 _red_s10
No man knows the place of her birth, nor where she learned to wield a sword to shame many a male. They know only that she is called The She-Devil of The Hyrkanian Steppes. That, and RED SONJA.
MARK RUSSELL (The Flintstones) and MIRKO COLAK (Conan) bring a savage tale of metal and blood. A world conqueror possesses a massive army and a fatal prophecy. A bastard sorceress craves revenge. And a fearsome red-haired warrior is made wartime ruler of a homeland set for decimation.
Writer: Mark Russell
Art: Mirko Colak
Cover A: Amanda Conner
Genre: Sword and Sorcery
Page Count: 32 Pages
ON SALE DATE: 2/6/2019
(U.S. cover) Price: $3.99

Cover B by Michael Linsner:
Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019 _red_s11

Cover C by Christian Ward:
Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019 _red_s10

Cover D by Frank Cho:
Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019 _red_s12

Cover E cosplay variant:
Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019 _red_s11

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Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019 Empty Re: Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019

Post by Barry_Allen Thu Dec 20, 2018 3:52 pm

I really love these Dynamite cosplay covers, not only for Vampi! pirat Very Happy

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Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019 Empty Re: Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019

Post by tony ingram Thu Dec 20, 2018 11:00 pm

I really like the Red Sonja series, but I don't understand why Dynamite feel the need to renumber it all the time, what's so wrong with just letting a book run!
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019 Empty Re: Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019

Post by MajorHoy Fri Dec 21, 2018 12:53 am

tony ingram wrote:I really like the Red Sonja series, but I don't understand why Dynamite feel the need to renumber it all the time, what's so wrong with just letting a book run!
Aside from the fact that "FIRST ISSUE!" gets more attention than "Issue #14", I'm assuming in this case it's to clearly define that it's a different writer and artist than the latest last run.
It's almost like they're trying to sell it as "Season 1 Issue #1", then "Season 2 Issue #1" when the next creative team takes over, etc.

Also, maybe people who weren't regular comic book readers back in the "Dark Ages" (the 20th Century) are scared of large issue numbers and are afraid they can't pick up a series unless it's the very-first issue! (Otherwise, they have to find all the other issues <gasp!> and read them all first in numerical order before they can attempt to read something they never-ever read before!)

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Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019 Empty Re: Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019

Post by tony ingram Fri Dec 21, 2018 8:09 am

MajorHoy wrote:
Also, maybe people who weren't regular comic book readers back in the "Dark Ages" (the 20th Century) are scared of large issue numbers and are afraid they can't pick up a series unless it's the very-first issue! (Otherwise, they have to find all the other issues <gasp!> and read them all first in numerical order before they can attempt to read something they never-ever read before!)
Hmph. Weirdos...
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019 Empty Re: Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019

Post by MajorHoy Fri Dec 21, 2018 3:28 pm

tony ingram wrote:
MajorHoy wrote:
Also, maybe people who weren't regular comic book readers back in the "Dark Ages" (the 20th Century) are scared of large issue numbers and are afraid they can't pick up a series unless it's the very-first issue! (Otherwise, they have to find all the other issues <gasp!> and read them all first in numerical order before they can attempt to read something they never-ever read before!)
Hmph. Weirdos...
Well, in all fairness, back then stories weren't written as five-six issue collected-edition-friendly arcs.
Stories were often told in one or two issues, and a lot more happened in a single issue then in today's extended-story-telling / splash-page-art-driven issues!

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Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019 Empty Re: Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019

Post by tony ingram Fri Dec 21, 2018 5:14 pm

MajorHoy wrote:
tony ingram wrote:
MajorHoy wrote:
Also, maybe people who weren't regular comic book readers back in the "Dark Ages" (the 20th Century) are scared of large issue numbers and are afraid they can't pick up a series unless it's the very-first issue! (Otherwise, they have to find all the other issues <gasp!> and read them all first in numerical order before they can attempt to read something they never-ever read before!)
Hmph. Weirdos...
Well, in all fairness, back then stories weren't written as five-six issue collected-edition-friendly arcs.
Stories were often told in one or two issues, and a lot more happened in a single issue then in today's extended-story-telling / splash-page-art-driven issues!
Nah, when I was first getting into comics, most of the books I read had continued stories; by the '70's it was rare for Marvel stories to be done in one, unless they were in books like MTU or MTIO, or they were reprints. And a lot of the DC books I followed, like Kamandi, were ongoing sagas, too. The feeling of jumping in at the deep end in a ongoing story and working out what was going on really appealed to me. I suspect companies don't give modern readers enough credit...unless they really do have seriously diminished attention spans?
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019 Empty Re: Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019

Post by Mbast1 Fri Dec 21, 2018 6:52 pm

tony ingram wrote:I suspect companies don't give modern readers enough credit...unless they really do have seriously diminished attention spans?

I think they do. They've been taught by modern media to expect things to happen FAST. Quick cuts, not time wasted on non-important stuff like character development. I tried to show one of my nephews the 1974 series Shazam, and 5 minutes into it he was complaining that nothing had happened. And that's something I've seen plenty of times.

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Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019 Empty Re: Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019

Post by tony ingram Fri Dec 21, 2018 7:05 pm

Mbast1 wrote:
tony ingram wrote:I suspect companies don't give modern readers enough credit...unless they really do have seriously diminished attention spans?

I think they do. They've been taught by modern media to expect things to happen FAST. Quick cuts, not time wasted on non-important stuff like character development. I tried to show one of my nephews the 1974 series Shazam, and 5 minutes into it he was complaining that nothing had happened. And that's something I've seen plenty of times.
Sad. I must admit, I've seen people on online Doctor Who forums, younger fans of the new series, casually dismissing the stories I grew up loving as "boring" and "stupid" because they used to pace a story out over several episodes and didn't have modern special effects technology. It's depressing.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019 Empty Re: Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019

Post by MajorHoy Fri Dec 21, 2018 9:14 pm

tony ingram wrote:Nah, when I was first getting into comics, most of the books I read had continued stories; by the '70's it was rare for Marvel stories to be done in one, unless they were in books like MTU or MTIO,  or they were reprints. And a lot of the DC books I followed, like Kamandi, were ongoing sagas, too. The feeling of jumping in at the deep end in a ongoing story and working out what was going on really appealed to me. I suspect companies don't give modern readers enough credit...unless they really do have seriously diminished attention spans?
But the thing about Marvel and DC stories back in the 70s is that even with many of those extended sagas, it felt to me like you actually got a story in each issue or two, even if it was more like chapters in a longer novel. You wanted to keep reading the series, but it wasn't like today where you spend all that money on a single issue that lasts maybe 5-10 minutes and you ask yourself "Is that it?"

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Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019 Empty Re: Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019

Post by tony ingram Sat Dec 22, 2018 12:53 am

MajorHoy wrote:
tony ingram wrote:Nah, when I was first getting into comics, most of the books I read had continued stories; by the '70's it was rare for Marvel stories to be done in one, unless they were in books like MTU or MTIO,  or they were reprints. And a lot of the DC books I followed, like Kamandi, were ongoing sagas, too. The feeling of jumping in at the deep end in a ongoing story and working out what was going on really appealed to me. I suspect companies don't give modern readers enough credit...unless they really do have seriously diminished attention spans?
But the thing about Marvel and DC stories back in the 70's is that even with many of those extended sagas, it felt to me like you actually got a story in each issue or two, even if it was more like chapters in a longer novel. You wanted to keep reading the series, but it wasn't like today where you spend all that money on a single issue that lasts maybe 5-10 minutes and you ask yourself "Is that it?"
But...I don't. I'm sorry, I realise I may be failing in my obligation to be a grumpy old man, but I still enjoy modern comics. I've simply adapted to the current pace. Today, I read Freedom Fighters, Batman, Nightwing, Justice League and Aquaman. I enjoyed them all.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019 Empty Re: Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019

Post by MajorHoy Tue Jan 15, 2019 2:25 am

At last check, Previewsworld still lists issue #1 as "In Shops: Feb 06, 2019"

Issue #2 is listed as "In Shops: Mar 06, 2019".

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Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019 Empty Re: Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019

Post by tony ingram Tue Jan 15, 2019 7:56 am

MajorHoy wrote:At last check, Previewsworld still lists issue #1 as "In Shops: Feb 06, 2019"

Issue #2 is listed as "In Shops: Mar 06, 2019".
They're usually pretty reliable with Sonja.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019 Empty Re: Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019

Post by MajorHoy Tue Jan 15, 2019 2:59 pm

tony ingram wrote:
MajorHoy wrote:At last check, Previewsworld still lists issue #1 as "In Shops: Feb 06, 2019"

Issue #2 is listed as "In Shops: Mar 06, 2019".
They're usually pretty reliable with Sonja.
I keep remembering how delayed the book got during the latter part of the Gail Simone run . . .

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Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019 Empty Re: Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019

Post by tony ingram Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:07 pm

MajorHoy wrote:
tony ingram wrote:
MajorHoy wrote:At last check, Previewsworld still lists issue #1 as "In Shops: Feb 06, 2019"

Issue #2 is listed as "In Shops: Mar 06, 2019".
They're usually pretty reliable with Sonja.
I keep remembering how delayed the book got during the latter part of the Gail Simone run . . .
That was quite awhile ago, though. Even this latest run has been over two years, and it hasn't generally been late.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019 Empty Mark Russell as writer on Red Sonja

Post by MajorHoy Tue Aug 04, 2020 6:35 pm

I believe Red Sonja #18 is due out for August 19th.

Is Mark Russell still planning to leave as writer of that book after issue #24 because of the Comicsgate mess?

* https://bleedingcool.com/comics/dynamite-faces-creator-backlash-over-comicsgate-alliances/
* https://bleedingcool.com/comics/dynamite-pulls-comicsgate-cover-from-indiegogo-amid-creator-backlash/

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Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019 Empty Re: Red Sonja Vol. 5 starting in 2019

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