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New publishers Clover Press, TKO Studios and AWA

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New publishers Clover Press, TKO Studios and AWA Empty New publishers Clover Press, TKO Studios and AWA

Post by Barry_Allen Wed Dec 11, 2019 10:43 am

Clover Press is a boutique publishing company created by the original founders of IDW Publishing "focused on quality content" (who doesn't, at least in intentions? Twisted Evil ) which will launch a "new" format for all his inaugural books, called graphic novella which, as they tell "is priced like a trade paperback and feels like and hardcover" Question .
Their books, offered in December Previews, are:
- The Spirit: An 80th Anniversary Celebration - a reprint of 10 Eisner stories, 5 in b&w and 5 coloured by renowned colorist Laura Martin, 80 pages for 12.99 bucks!
- Pirates Book One - a reprint of Pirates stories from the Fifties, curated by Craig Yoe Comics, drawn by Graham Ingels, Reed Crandall, Frank Frazetta, Wally Wood, Bernie Krigstein, Carl Burgos, same format as above.
- Kevin Eastman's Totally Twisted Tales - they're marketed as "Three full length stories with guys, girls, monsters, mutants, superheroes, alckers and lowlifes as well as a one very fast Rat!" probably it's a reprint of those stories Eastman used to draw with Simon Bisley back in the Tundra days - 96 pages, same price as above.
Info can be found in the following link, where they sell also Kevin Eastman cover variants of some Marvel X-titles  Surprised : www.cloverpress.us if you subscribe to their newsletter they'll send you a pdf of Diablo House, probably one of their next graphic novellas!  Very Happy

Anybody who use to read comics news sites like BC in the past year has probably seen the banners for TKO Studios a new publishing company which "plans to change how readers buy comics" Question
And maybe they'll succeed (at least for their comics), because their output is not to be found on Previews catalog or in bookstores but you have to order it directly at:
https://tkopresents.com/collections/version-3-shop or your local comic book shop can order directly from them at special conditions.
So far they have published 8 series, like Jeff Lemire's Sentient, Sal Simeone's Eve of Extinction, Garth Ennis' Sara and also The Banks, Pound for Pound, The 7 deadly sins, Goodnight Paradise, The fearsome Doctor Fang. They publish every title both as 6-issues miniseries with a nice box set and as a oversized trade paperback too, they are employing well kwown writers like the above mentioned ones, Joshua Dysart and good artists like Steve Epting, Alberto Ponticelli and more...you can check if there is a local comic shop who carries their comics and tpb here:
I've checked and seen that there are some in the UK, of course several in the Usa, no one in Italy for now... No
Title topic edited to add new publisher AWA: Artists, Writers and Artisans:, which debuts in January 2020 Previews with four all new titles, one (The Resistance) written by J.M. Straczynski and drawn by former Marvel "star" Mike Deodato Jr., more on this below... cheers

Last edited by Barry_Allen on Tue Jan 21, 2020 3:38 pm; edited 3 times in total

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New publishers Clover Press, TKO Studios and AWA Empty Re: New publishers Clover Press, TKO Studios and AWA

Post by Barry_Allen Fri Dec 13, 2019 10:09 am

About LCS where this TKO Studios comics/tpb are available, there is no one in Connecticut (but saw that there are two in NYC and two in NY state), I don't know about Mike's place, while in the Uk there is Close Encounters which I suppose is a small chain of LCS in Bedford, Broadway and Northampton (does the Big Bard still live here?!?  afro ) and one in Belfast. Cool

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New publishers Clover Press, TKO Studios and AWA Empty Re: New publishers Clover Press, TKO Studios and AWA

Post by MajorHoy Fri Dec 13, 2019 3:11 pm

Barry_Allen wrote:About LCS where this TKO Studios comics/tpb are available, there is no one in Connecticut (but saw that there are two in NYC and two in NY state), I don't know about Mike's place, while in the Uk there is Close Encounters which I suppose is a small chain of LCS in Bedford, Broadway and Northampton (does the Big Bard still live here?!?  afro ) and one in Belfast. Cool
These days, I'm not really going out of my way to look for new publishers of comic books. If I stumble over something while browsing the shelves, or if I see something about a writer / concept I'm really interested in, then I may look it over.
These days, I tend to do more reading of actual books, usually U.S.-based mysteries from the 20th century written by dead people. (Writers like Dashiell Hammett, Ed McBain (Evan Hunter), Frances & Richard Lockridge, Ross Macdonald, and others.)

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Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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