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Where in the world is Tony Ingram?

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Where in the world is Tony Ingram? Empty Where in the world is Tony Ingram?

Post by MajorHoy Thu Mar 12, 2020 8:02 pm

Does anybody know what's up with our fearless leader?

It doesn't look like he's signed in to visit in about a month now.


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Where in the world is Tony Ingram? Empty Re: Where in the world is Tony Ingram?

Post by Mbast1 Fri Mar 13, 2020 6:02 pm

MajorHoy wrote:Does anybody know what's up with our fearless leader?

It doesn't look like he's signed in to visit in about a month now.


It's been longer for Lucy, I think. I hope all is well with them and their family.

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Where in the world is Tony Ingram? Empty Re: Where in the world is Tony Ingram?

Post by Barry_Allen Tue Mar 31, 2020 10:50 pm

I have seen in other messages that old Tony has been back, just wanted to tell you guys that I'm still here too, sure at home, actually with no PC and no connection, now I've re-found the forum and I'm writing from a cellular phone, nice to be there again ☺

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Where in the world is Tony Ingram? Empty Re: Where in the world is Tony Ingram?

Post by MajorHoy Wed Apr 01, 2020 1:14 am

Barry_Allen wrote:I have seen in other messages that old Tony has been back, just wanted to tell you guys that I'm still here too, sure at home, actually with no PC and no connection, now I've re-found the forum and I'm writing from a cellular phone, nice to be there again ☺
Glad to hear you're doing okay as well since, unfortunately, Italy has been in the news a lot with coronavirus.

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Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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Where in the world is Tony Ingram? Empty Re: Where in the world is Tony Ingram?

Post by tony ingram Wed Apr 01, 2020 10:21 am

These are worrying times for us all.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Where in the world is Tony Ingram? Empty Re: Where in the world is Tony Ingram?

Post by Barry_Allen Wed Apr 08, 2020 10:55 am

MajorHoy wrote:
Glad to hear you're doing okay as well since, unfortunately, Italy has been in the news a lot with coronavirus.

Yes, unfortunately it's true, thank you MajorHoy Very Happy , how are things going near you? I have seen that most of the problem in Usa seems to be in NY state.

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Location : Smerillo, Italy


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Where in the world is Tony Ingram? Empty Re: Where in the world is Tony Ingram?

Post by MajorHoy Wed Apr 08, 2020 3:20 pm

Barry_Allen wrote:
MajorHoy wrote:Glad to hear you're doing okay as well since, unfortunately, Italy has been in the news a lot with coronavirus.
Yes, unfortunately it's true, thank you MajorHoy  Very Happy , how are things going near you? I have seen that most of the problem in Usa seems to be in NY state.
While it didn't really kick in right away in New York state, New York City and surrounding areas have been hit very badly by the virus. I'm in the part of Connecticut that has the most reported cases of coronavirus, but we're trying to hang in there for now.

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Where in the world is Tony Ingram? Empty Re: Where in the world is Tony Ingram?

Post by tony ingram Wed Apr 08, 2020 4:34 pm

MajorHoy wrote:
Barry_Allen wrote:
MajorHoy wrote:Glad to hear you're doing okay as well since, unfortunately, Italy has been in the news a lot with coronavirus.
Yes, unfortunately it's true, thank you MajorHoy  Very Happy , how are things going near you? I have seen that most of the problem in Usa seems to be in NY state.
While it didn't really kick in right away in New York state, New York City and surrounding areas have been hit very badly by the virus. I'm in the part of Connecticut that has the most reported cases of coronavirus, but we're trying to hang in there for now.
Try to stay safe. The East of England, where we are, hasn't been too badly hit yet, but it's getting worse.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Where in the world is Tony Ingram? Empty Re: Where in the world is Tony Ingram?

Post by Mbast1 Wed Apr 08, 2020 7:39 pm

tony ingram wrote:Try to stay safe. The East of England, where we are, hasn't been too badly hit yet, but it's getting worse.

Yes, please, everyone do your best to be safe. It's dangerous right now, but we can do our best. Good luck to all!

Posts : 1720
Join date : 2012-02-02

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