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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Empty Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

Post by MajorHoy Sat Apr 11, 2020 1:33 am

Well, not surprisingly, Connecticut's Governor (Ned Lamont) today said he would be extending the "social distancing" / "stay at home" guidelines to "at least" May 20th.
That means that the "non-essential" businesses that were originally ordered closed back in mid-March will be closed for two months (possibly longer if there is yet another extension of the closure order).

Don't know how the restrictions are going where everybody else is, but stay healthy, stay strong, and to borrow an old British WWII slogan, "Keep Calm and Carry On".

Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Keep_c10

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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Empty Re: Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

Post by Mbast1 Mon Apr 13, 2020 3:31 am

MajorHoy wrote:Well, not surprisingly, Connecticut's Governor (Ned Lamont) today said he would be extending the "social distancing" / "stay at home" guidelines to "at least" May 20th.

I'm a nurse, and in the "stay away" camp. But, I think too much longer, and things are going to be irreparably damaged, and people are just going to start doing what they want. Which they are already doing, but in small numbers.
Anyway, you take care, too. Everyone be safe!

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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Empty Re: Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

Post by MajorHoy Mon Apr 13, 2020 3:13 pm

Mbast1 wrote:
MajorHoy wrote:Well, not surprisingly, Connecticut's Governor (Ned Lamont) today said he would be extending the "social distancing" / "stay at home" guidelines to "at least" May 20th.
I'm a nurse, and in the "stay away" camp. But, I think too much longer, and things are going to be irreparably damaged, and people are just going to start doing what they want. Which they are already doing, but in small numbers.
But there's still the issue of "non-essential" businesses and services having to remain closed for the time being. Some may be able to do on-line business to try and get by in the meantime, but that's not a solution for all of them. And with comic book shops here in the U.S., even if they can still conduct some internet business for now, the fact that Diamond is not supplying new comic books kills some potential e-commerce for them.

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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Empty Re: Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

Post by Mbast1 Mon Apr 13, 2020 11:03 pm

MajorHoy wrote:But there's still the issue of "non-essential" businesses and services having to remain closed for the time being. Some may be able to do on-line business to try and get by in the meantime, but that's not a solution for all of them.

Right, and that's part of the issue for a lot of them. Some of them are going to stay shut for good, and that is bad all around.

MajorHoy wrote:And with comic book shops here in the U.S., even if they can still conduct some internet business for now, the fact that Diamond is not supplying new comic books kills some potential e-commerce for them.

Also true. I'm trying to buy gift cards and little stuff from my local shops, but that won't do much good for long.

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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Empty Re: Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

Post by MajorHoy Tue Apr 14, 2020 12:15 am

Mbast1 wrote: . . . I'm trying to buy gift cards and little stuff from my local shops, but that won't do much good for long.
Especially if those businesses go belly-up before you've used the gift cards.

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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Empty Re: Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

Post by Mbast1 Fri Apr 17, 2020 7:41 pm

MajorHoy wrote:Especially if those businesses go belly-up before you've used the gift cards.

Sure, there's that. But that's always possible.

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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Empty Re: Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

Post by tony ingram Tue Jul 07, 2020 1:55 pm

How are things over there, now? Britain is slowly coming back to life!
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Empty Re: Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

Post by MajorHoy Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:07 pm

tony ingram wrote:How are things over there, now? Britain is slowly coming back to life!
Depends on where you are and what your politics are, unfortunately.

Here in Connecticut, the numbers for the coronavirus aren't too bad these days, but there are still some limitations that are being enforced (mostly with large-scale, indoor businesses).

Other places in the U.S.? Numbers are skyrocketing the wrong way. How much of it is due to our "President" being a race-baiting moron who wants/believes the economy will suddenly rebound and continues to pretend that most cases aren't serious? (Oh, right: he's up for re-election in a few months.)

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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Empty Re: Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

Post by tony ingram Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:20 pm

At least you're comparatively safe, I'm glad to hear that. Luckily, Suffolk has had a fairly low level of infections, too. But the lockdown has been a nightmare.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Empty Re: Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

Post by MajorHoy Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:42 pm

tony ingram wrote:At least you're comparatively safe, I'm glad to hear that. Luckily, Suffolk has had a fairly low level of infections, too. But the lockdown has been a nightmare.
Where I am was hit earlier, along with New York City and New Jersey. So our states were a bit slower to reopen things. States that were slow to close and quick to reopen early because they weren't as severely hit in the beginning are the types of places that seem to be seeing the worst of it at the moment.
The weird thing to me with all the closures and such were the fact that I still was able to go out and do he typical shopping and stuff I normally had been doing as long as it was at places that sold food and other "essential" supplies.
Some places I would normally go, like book stores and libraries, weren't open, and libraries around here still aren't open for people to visit. The libraries I normally use recently started offering "curbside pickup" to borrow physical books, but it's a bit frustrating that I can't yet go in and browse the actual shelves. Searching on an internet database of the catalog isn't exactly the same thing if you're not looking for a very specific item.
(And yes, I remember the days when they actually had actual "card catalogs" with index card-sized paper entries for all the library items. Heck, I even had a part-time job at the town library back in New Jersey between 1977 and 1980!)

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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Empty Re: Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

Post by tony ingram Wed Jul 08, 2020 10:00 am

Libraries are just starting to reopen, here. Pretty much every type of retail, too. But there are still limitations on mixing with people from other households, a measure I strongly oppose.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Empty Re: Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

Post by Mbast1 Wed Jul 08, 2020 9:00 pm

tony ingram wrote:How are things over there, now? Britain is slowly coming back to life!

Things here are opening, but with so many people NOT doing what they need to, numbers rise and I fear another shut down. Which will lead to even worse things economically. But, I can hope that the governors are going to make sure things are as safe as they're gonna be.

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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Empty Re: Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

Post by Mbast1 Wed Jul 08, 2020 9:02 pm

MajorHoy wrote:(And yes, I remember the days when they actually had actual "card catalogs" with index card-sized paper entries for all the library items.

Same here. I dearly wish I'd been able to buy some of those catalogues when they were being dumped. Both the cards themselves and the cabinets. They are awesome. IF you see them now, they're very expensive.

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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Empty Re: Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

Post by Mbast1 Wed Jul 08, 2020 9:07 pm

MajorHoy wrote:due to our "President" being

I'm glad YOU said that and not me... I try to avoid arguing on this site.

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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Empty Re: Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

Post by MajorHoy Wed Jul 08, 2020 9:19 pm

Mbast1 wrote: . . . But, I can hope that the governors are going to make sure things are as safe as they're gonna be.
Unfortunately, the actions of certain governors seem to depend on how closely aligned they are with a certain whiny, in-denial politician.

I'll say no more on that matter . . .

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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Empty Re: Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

Post by Mbast1 Thu Jul 09, 2020 4:14 pm

MajorHoy wrote:Unfortunately, the actions of certain governors seem to depend on how closely aligned they are with a certain whiny, in-denial politician

Yeah, I know. Mine shares his party, but not his outlook. And I think is doing a great job.

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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Empty Re: Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

Post by MajorHoy Sun Dec 20, 2020 3:30 pm

Well, things have gotten bad again here in the U.S. (again), but it sounds like over in Europe some of you guys have a new strain of COVID to deal with.

Stay safe everyone.

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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Empty Re: Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

Post by tony ingram Sun Dec 20, 2020 8:30 pm

MajorHoy wrote:Well, things have gotten bad again here in the U.S. (again), but it sounds like over in Europe some of you guys have a new strain of COVID to deal with.

Stay safe everyone.
The good news is, while the new strain is more infectious, it seems not to be more dangerous, and may even be less so. The bad news is, the government seem as clueless as ever in dealing with it. A huge chunk of the South East is now living under far more extreme restrictions than the rest of us. Basically, 18 million people have had Christmas cancelled. Thousands fled London last night before the new rules could take effect. Unrest seems to be growing.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Empty Re: Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

Post by MajorHoy Sun Dec 20, 2020 9:18 pm

tony ingram wrote:The good news is, while the new strain is more infectious, it seems not to be more dangerous, and may even be less so. The bad news is, the government seem as clueless as ever in dealing with it. A huge chunk of the South East is now living under far more extreme restrictions than the rest of us. Basically, 18 million people have had Christmas cancelled. Thousands fled London last night before the new rules could take effect. Unrest seems to be growing.
Unfortunately, I know here in the U.S. there are too many "deniers" in some parts of the country who don't think COVID-19 is really a big deal / won't touch them, so they do idiotic things in public places that wind up causing them to be infected or they spread it among others.
When you get enough of THOSE people, it seems like closing down practically EVERYTHING is the only way to try and contain the virus, so that even people who have been doing all the right things hopefully won't get it from the morons who don't take the precautions they should. I know parts of the U.S. have already run out of ICU space in hospitals, so what happens when you need to hospitalize even more people?
There's no good answer sometimes.

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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Empty Re: Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

Post by tony ingram Mon Dec 21, 2020 1:52 pm

Thing is, how do you formulate a coherent planned response to something that's never happened before? Still, I would have to put Boris Johnson's strategy so far forward as the perfect example of how NOT to do it.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Empty Re: Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

Post by Barry_Allen Mon Dec 21, 2020 3:29 pm

MajorHoy wrote:Well, things have gotten bad again here in the U.S. (again), but it sounds like over in Europe some of you guys have a new strain of COVID to deal with.

Stay safe everyone.

That's the point; meanwhile the new "Uk Variant" of the Virus has landed in Italy too, taken by a British guy living in Rome, just back from his hometown. We are basically in lockdown again starting next 24 December and until (at least) the 6th January, I am wondering how our government is planning to re-open all schools just the day after that, with the absolutely not adequate public transports, as they showed during last months...

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Social Distancing / "Stay at Home" Empty Re: Social Distancing / "Stay at Home"

Post by MajorHoy Mon Dec 21, 2020 3:53 pm

Barry_Allen wrote:
MajorHoy wrote:Well, things have gotten bad again here in the U.S. (again), but it sounds like over in Europe some of you guys have a new strain of COVID to deal with.

Stay safe everyone.
That's the point; meanwhile the new "Uk Variant" of the Virus has landed in Italy too, taken by a British guy living in Rome, just back from his hometown. We are basically in lockdown again starting next 24 December and until (at least) the 6th January, I am wondering how our government is planning to re-open all schools just the day after that, with the absolutely not adequate public transports, as they showed during last months...
Well, first they have to get everybody to stop socializing unnecessarily. Then, once the country is locked down, they can continue to work on plans for re-opening things. And yeah, they may be very likely to have problems in putting those plans together. Just look at how screwed up our government(s) here in the U.S. have been for the past +/-year-or-so when it comes to dealing with COVID-19 (or not dealing with it in quite a few cases).

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