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Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler)

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Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) Empty Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler)

Post by MajorHoy Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:25 pm

First appearance of his feature: Adventure Comics #48, cover-dated March 1940 (and according to the GCD, on-sale date was February 2nd, 1940).

Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) 126210

He was also a founding member of the Justice Society of America.

Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) All-st39

But, unfortunately, after All-Star Comics #7, Rex became the first member of the JSA to be removed from the line-up without graduating to his own solo-title (fellow Adventure Comics feature Starman took over for Rex in the JSA), and years later it was retroactively revealed that Rex had developed an addiction to "Miraclo", the pill he had invented that granted him one hour of superhuman abilities.

Last edited by MajorHoy on Sun Jan 10, 2021 8:43 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Removed the anniversary reference from the thread title)

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Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) Empty Re: Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler)

Post by MajorHoy Sun Jul 12, 2020 7:17 pm

Hourman was included in the first meeting between the Justice League of America and the Justice Society of America (Justice League of America #21-22) back in 1963.
Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) _001_j10

In 1965, Hourman and Doctor Fate teamed up for two issues of Showcase.
Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) _002_s10

Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) _003_s10

And in 1968, Hourman had a back-up story in The Spectre #7 (November-December 1968):
Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) _004_h12
Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) _004_h11
Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) _004_h10

Posts : 2812
Join date : 2012-06-17
Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) Empty Re: Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler)

Post by tony ingram Tue Jul 14, 2020 11:53 am

MajorHoy wrote:Hourman was included in the first meeting between the Justice League of America and the Justice Society of America (Justice League of America #21-22) back in 1963.
Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) _001_j10

In 1965, Hourman and Doctor Fate teamed up for two issues of Showcase.
Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) _002_s10

Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) _003_s10

And in 1968, Hourman had a back-up story in The Spectre #7 (November-December 1968):
Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) _004_h12
Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) _004_h11
Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) _004_h10
I think I have all of those issues somewhere! Always liked Hourman, the whole just one hour of power thing was an interesting concept.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) Empty Re: Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler)

Post by MajorHoy Sun Aug 30, 2020 3:24 pm

from Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe Vol. X (December 1985)
Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) -_000_51

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Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) Empty Re: Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler)

Post by tony ingram Mon Aug 31, 2020 2:48 pm

Contrary to what the Who's Who entry claims, though, the later pills were still addictive, as Rick Tyler found out to his cost...
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) Empty Re: Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler)

Post by MajorHoy Sun Jan 10, 2021 8:47 pm

MajorHoy wrote:First appearance of his feature: Adventure Comics #48, cover-dated March 1940 (and according to the GCD, on-sale date was February 2nd, 1940).

Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) 126210
And here's that story, as reprinted in Justice League of America #96 (February 1972):
Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) _0a_0110


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Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler) Empty Re: Golden Age Hour-Man / Hourman (Rex Tyler)

Post by Barry_Allen Tue Jan 12, 2021 9:29 am

Did you like the regular Hourman series written by Tom Peyer which started in 1999? I used to follow it for a while...

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