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Happy 80th Anniversary to Golden Age Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunderbolt)

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Happy 80th Anniversary to Golden Age Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunderbolt) Empty Happy 80th Anniversary to Golden Age Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunderbolt)

Post by MajorHoy Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:43 am

From the Happy 75th Anniversary, Hawkman! thread (https://crikey.forumotion.com/t641-happy-75th-anniversary-hawkman):
MajorHoy wrote:(By the way, Johnny Thunder and The Whip also appeared in that first issue.)

Happy 80th Anniversary to Golden Age Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunderbolt) Tumblr_ne1kdnP2sM1tumx3no1_400

Happy 80th Anniversary to Golden Age Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunderbolt) E3816e1863ad46ac75d957f1afb0795c6825990e

Happy 80th Anniversary to Golden Age Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunderbolt) Flash_comics_1

(I don't know that much about Cliff Cornwall, though.
Doesn't look like he was around for more than year or two.)
From Johnny Thunder's first episode:
Happy 80th Anniversary to Golden Age Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunderbolt) Johnny30

Johnny was also present for the first meeting of the Justice Society of America (in All-Star Comics #3), even though he wasn't originally invited.
Happy 80th Anniversary to Golden Age Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunderbolt) From_a22

However, All-Star Comics #6 (cover-dated August-September 1941) saw The Flash leaving as a full-time member of the group, so Johnny officially took his place.

Happy 80th Anniversary to Golden Age Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunderbolt) All_st17

Happy 80th Anniversary to Golden Age Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunderbolt) Johnny31


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Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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Happy 80th Anniversary to Golden Age Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunderbolt) Empty Re: Happy 80th Anniversary to Golden Age Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunderbolt)

Post by MajorHoy Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:02 am

All was going well for Johnny for a few years.

Then, he met a dame, and it all went down hill from there.

In Flash Comics #86 (cover-dated August 1947), Johnny was first introduced to . . . The Black Canary.
Happy 80th Anniversary to Golden Age Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunderbolt) 1947-011

She soon got co-credit in the title of the strip
Happy 80th Anniversary to Golden Age Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunderbolt) 1947-111
from Flash Comics #90 (December 1947)

and then stole the feature from Johnny altogether.
Happy 80th Anniversary to Golden Age Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunderbolt) Flash_46

Things didn't go much better over in All-Star Comics. Black Canary first appeared with Johnny in All-Star Comics #38 (December 1947-January 1948), and Johnny's last Golden Age appearance with the JSA was in the following issue, All-Star Comics #39 (February-March 1948).

To make matters worse, his name was then appropriated for a Western character starting in All-American Comics #100 (August 1948).
Happy 80th Anniversary to Golden Age Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunderbolt) All-am24

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Happy 80th Anniversary to Golden Age Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunderbolt) Empty Re: Happy 80th Anniversary to Golden Age Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunderbolt)

Post by MajorHoy Tue Sep 08, 2020 2:52 am

from Who's Who -- The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe Vol. XI (January 1986):
Happy 80th Anniversary to Golden Age Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunderbolt) -_000_90

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