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Golden Age Miss Espionage <from Narrative Publishers>

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Golden Age Miss Espionage <from Narrative Publishers> Empty Golden Age Miss Espionage <from Narrative Publishers>

Post by MajorHoy Sat Jul 25, 2020 4:23 pm

First appearance:  Power Comics #3 (possibly August 1945?) from Narrative Publishers.

Golden Age Miss Espionage <from Narrative Publishers> -_00a_11
Golden Age Miss Espionage <from Narrative Publishers> -_00a110

Miss Espionage appeared in issues #3 and #4 of Power Comics.
(NOTE: there were no further issues of that book after issue #4)

I first saw that opening page in a book with the title Divas, Dames & Daredevils: Lost Heroines of Golden Age Comics by Mike Madrid, a fun book that includes b&w reproductions of quite a few lesser-known (and just "unknown") comic book ladies.
Golden Age Miss Espionage <from Narrative Publishers> Divas_10

Here's a list from the publisher of that book (Exterminating Angel Press):
Golden Age Miss Espionage <from Narrative Publishers> Featur10
Golden Age Miss Espionage <from Narrative Publishers> Featur11

I'll include the rest of the pages from that first Miss Espionage story (which I found elsewhere on the internet, along with the cover and the first page produced above) in a future post.

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Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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Golden Age Miss Espionage <from Narrative Publishers> Empty Re: Golden Age Miss Espionage <from Narrative Publishers>

Post by MajorHoy Mon Jul 27, 2020 9:48 pm

Here's the rest of that Miss Espionage story from Power Comics #3:
Golden Age Miss Espionage <from Narrative Publishers> -_00a210
Golden Age Miss Espionage <from Narrative Publishers> -_00a310
Golden Age Miss Espionage <from Narrative Publishers> -_00a410
Golden Age Miss Espionage <from Narrative Publishers> -_00a510
Golden Age Miss Espionage <from Narrative Publishers> -_00a610
Golden Age Miss Espionage <from Narrative Publishers> -_00a710
Golden Age Miss Espionage <from Narrative Publishers> -_00a810

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Join date : 2012-06-17
Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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Golden Age Miss Espionage <from Narrative Publishers> Empty Re: Golden Age Miss Espionage <from Narrative Publishers>

Post by Barry_Allen Tue Jul 28, 2020 11:36 am

MajorHoy wrote: I first saw that opening page in a book with the title Divas, Dames & Daredevils: Lost Heroines of Golden Age Comics by Mike Madrid, a fun book that includes b&w reproductions of quite a few lesser-known (and just "unknown") comic book ladies.
Golden Age Miss Espionage <from Narrative Publishers> Divas_10

Here's a list from the publisher of that book (Exterminating Angel Press):

That's really a fantastic name for a theme publisher, Major!  Cool

I remember that book "Divas, Dames & Daredevils: Lost Heroines of Golden Age Comics" written by Mike Madrid and wanted to buy it but at time I was already over budget, so I was planning to recuperate it in the future, maybe with an order at Bud Plant. Wink

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