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Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians

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Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians  Empty Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians

Post by MajorHoy Tue Sep 08, 2020 10:00 pm

First appearance: Super Friends #8 (November 1977)
Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians  -_001_80
Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians  -_001a82
Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians  -_001b73
Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians  -_001c67

And he appeared again in Super Friends #45 (June 1981):
Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians  -_002a32
Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians  -_002b23

By the way, the Global Guardians were considered part of the "regular" DC Universe when they guest-starred in DC Comics Presents #46 (June 1982)
even though Bushmaster wasn't featured in that story
Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians  -_000_95
and they were included in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe Vol. IX (November 1985)
Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians  -_000_96
As well as in the post-CoIE History of the DC Universe.
Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians  -_000b13
Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians  -_000b12

Posts : 2820
Join date : 2012-06-17
Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians  Empty Re: Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians

Post by Barry_Allen Wed Sep 09, 2020 4:50 pm

Among the international heroes which banded together to form the Global Guardians, was there Jack O' Lantern (nr. 6) for Italy? Rolling Eyes

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Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians  Empty Re: Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians

Post by MajorHoy Wed Sep 09, 2020 5:00 pm

Barry_Allen wrote:Among the international heroes which banded together to form the Global Guardians, was there Jack O' Lantern (nr. 6) for Italy? Rolling Eyes
Somehow, one color was off in that image; here's a quick fix:
Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians  Jack_o10

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Join date : 2012-06-17
Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians  Empty Re: Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians

Post by MajorHoy Fri Sep 11, 2020 3:59 pm

MajorHoy wrote: . . . And he appeared again in Super Friends #45 (June 1981) . . .
A few pages of Bushmaster teaming-up with Batman in that issue:
Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians  -_000141
Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians  -_000142
Bushmaster (Bernal Rojas) of the Global Guardians  -_000143

Posts : 2820
Join date : 2012-06-17
Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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