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Maybe we'll see the Legion of Super Heroes & the JSA before Doomsday Clock ends?

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Maybe we'll see the Legion of Super Heroes & the JSA before Doomsday Clock ends?  Empty Maybe we'll see the Legion of Super Heroes & the JSA before Doomsday Clock ends?

Post by MajorHoy Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:19 am

For what it's worth, Bleeding Cool has recently posted this article:
DC Creators Will Be Able to Use Shazam, Legion, and JSA Whether or Not Doomsday Clock Has Finished
Posted by Rich Johnston  June 17, 2018
The DC Comics writers meeting taking place at some point this weekend has been laying down the future for the DC Universe, Those who are running it, and what on earth is happening now that Jim Lee is CCO, Jim and Dan DiDio are both DC Publishers, and what will change now that Geoff Johns has stepped down with his own deal going on.
Well, one instant result is that DC Comics creators have been given a date when they can start using Shazam, or Captain Marvel, the Legion of Super-Heroes, and the Justice Society of America again. All characters that have been on hold for the last two years, for the exclusive use by Geoff Johns, and integral to Doomsday Clock. With that series getting later and later in its scheduling, DC writers have now been given a date when they can use or refer to those characters, whether or not Doomsday Clock has been further delayed.
Of course, what that date is isn't said.

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Maybe we'll see the Legion of Super Heroes & the JSA before Doomsday Clock ends?  Empty Re: Maybe we'll see the Legion of Super Heroes & the JSA before Doomsday Clock ends?

Post by tony ingram Wed Jun 20, 2018 1:01 pm

Well, at least it's progress! But isn't it going to ever so slightly spoil Doomsday Clock if we already know in advance who's coming back in it?
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Maybe we'll see the Legion of Super Heroes & the JSA before Doomsday Clock ends?  Empty Re: Maybe we'll see the Legion of Super Heroes & the JSA before Doomsday Clock ends?

Post by MajorHoy Wed Jun 20, 2018 4:17 pm

tony ingram wrote:Well, at least it's progress! But isn't it going to ever so slightly spoil Doomsday Clock if we already know in advance who's coming back in it?
Well, since it was already stated back towards the beginning of Rebirth those three franchises were suppose to be eventually reintroduced (somehow) as part of Rebirth, and since two years later, when DC no longer bothers to even put the Rebirth banner on its comic books, it seemed rather obvious that Doomsday Cluck was the last shot for that to happen.

Maybe we'll see the Legion of Super Heroes & the JSA before Doomsday Clock ends?  Dc-reb10
Maybe we'll see the Legion of Super Heroes & the JSA before Doomsday Clock ends?  Dc-reb11

Maybe we'll see the Legion of Super Heroes & the JSA before Doomsday Clock ends?  S-l64010
Maybe we'll see the Legion of Super Heroes & the JSA before Doomsday Clock ends?  Fullsi10

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Maybe we'll see the Legion of Super Heroes & the JSA before Doomsday Clock ends?  Empty Re: Maybe we'll see the Legion of Super Heroes & the JSA before Doomsday Clock ends?

Post by tony ingram Wed Jun 20, 2018 4:35 pm

I don't remember seeing that wraparound cover before. Was it a variant? This was the issue Wally West returned in, right? Shocked
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Maybe we'll see the Legion of Super Heroes & the JSA before Doomsday Clock ends?  Empty Re: Maybe we'll see the Legion of Super Heroes & the JSA before Doomsday Clock ends?

Post by MajorHoy Wed Jun 20, 2018 4:57 pm

tony ingram wrote:I don't remember seeing that wraparound cover before. Was it a variant?
It was the "Midnight Release Variant" cover by Ivan Reis, but the artwork (including the hourglass with the JSA) was used for stories and promos.

tony ingram wrote:This was the issue Wally West returned in, right? Shocked
Yes, it was.

Maybe we'll see the Legion of Super Heroes & the JSA before Doomsday Clock ends?  Cf2fa510

Some other variants can be seen here:

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