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Friday the 13th is on a Wednesday this month . . .

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Friday the 13th is on a Wednesday this month . . .  Empty Friday the 13th is on a Wednesday this month . . .

Post by MajorHoy Wed May 13, 2020 3:34 pm


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Friday the 13th is on a Wednesday this month . . .  Empty Re: Friday the 13th is on a Wednesday this month . . .

Post by Barry_Allen Wed May 20, 2020 10:39 am

Walt Kelly was a real genius Very Happy , it's curious to think that when I was younger....I came to read the "modern" version of Pogo by Doyle and Sternecky published in italian magazine "Linus" (still published today, after more than 50 years since its beginnings, btw) who published the Peanuts and the best of American strips, like Calvin and Hobbes, Doonesbury, Mutts, etc. and I use to like it, it was fun; of course years later I discovered the original version of Pogo and it was really great! Cool

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Friday the 13th is on a Wednesday this month . . .  Empty Re: Friday the 13th is on a Wednesday this month . . .

Post by Mbast1 Thu May 21, 2020 8:26 pm

Barry_Allen wrote:of course years later I discovered the original version of Pogo and it was really great! Cool

I kinda went at it the same way, read the revival not knowing, and then found the original. I love that comic! I have bought a few revival strips on Ebay over the last few months, since I couldn't find it reprinted anywhere. I still am buying books of the original sometimes.

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Friday the 13th is on a Wednesday this month . . .  Empty Re: Friday the 13th is on a Wednesday this month . . .

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