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Golden Age Miss America (Joan Dale)

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Golden Age Miss America (Joan Dale) Empty Golden Age Miss America (Joan Dale)

Post by MajorHoy Sat Jul 18, 2020 2:46 am

First appearance: Military Comics #1 (August 1941), published by Quality Comics
Golden Age Miss America (Joan Dale) -_001_18
Golden Age Miss America (Joan Dale) -_002_22
Golden Age Miss America (Joan Dale) -_003_10
Golden Age Miss America (Joan Dale) 004_mi10
Golden Age Miss America (Joan Dale) 005_mi10
Golden Age Miss America (Joan Dale) 006_mi10

She appeared in a total of seven issues of Military Comics before disappearing into obscurity for awhile.

Roy Thomas later revived her not once, but twice (once pre-CoIE and again post-CoIE) at DC in the pages of All-Star Squadron and then Young All-Stars.

From Who's Who Update '88 Vol. 2 (September 1988):
Golden Age Miss America (Joan Dale) 007_mi10

Posts : 2820
Join date : 2012-06-17
Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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Golden Age Miss America (Joan Dale) Empty Re: Golden Age Miss America (Joan Dale)

Post by MajorHoy Fri Jul 24, 2020 3:59 pm

From Miss America's last feature published by Quality Comics, in Military Comics #7 (cover-dated February 1942):
Golden Age Miss America (Joan Dale) 001a_m10
Golden Age Miss America (Joan Dale) 001b_m11
Golden Age Miss America (Joan Dale) 001c_m11
Golden Age Miss America (Joan Dale) 001d_m11
Golden Age Miss America (Joan Dale) 001e_m11

It would be more than forty years later before she would be featured in a story published by DC comics.
And in the meantime, about one year later, Timely Comics (predecessor to current Marvel Comics) would introduce its own heroine named "Miss America" in the pages of Marvel Mystery Comics #49.

Posts : 2820
Join date : 2012-06-17
Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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