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Lady Shiva (Sandra Woosan, later revised to "Shiva Wu-San")

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Lady Shiva (Sandra Woosan, later revised to "Shiva Wu-San")  Empty Lady Shiva (Sandra Woosan, later revised to "Shiva Wu-San")

Post by MajorHoy Mon Aug 31, 2020 2:44 am

First appearance:
Richard Dragon, Kung-Fu Fighter #5 (December 1975-January 1976)
Lady Shiva (Sandra Woosan, later revised to "Shiva Wu-San")  -_001_60
Lady Shiva (Sandra Woosan, later revised to "Shiva Wu-San")  -_001a60
Lady Shiva (Sandra Woosan, later revised to "Shiva Wu-San")  -_001b49
Lady Shiva (Sandra Woosan, later revised to "Shiva Wu-San")  -_001c44

and a few pages later, . . .

Lady Shiva (Sandra Woosan, later revised to "Shiva Wu-San")  -_002d12
Lady Shiva (Sandra Woosan, later revised to "Shiva Wu-San")  -_002e12
Lady Shiva (Sandra Woosan, later revised to "Shiva Wu-San")  -_002f11
Lady Shiva (Sandra Woosan, later revised to "Shiva Wu-San")  -_002g11

And from Who's Who Update '87 Vol. 3 (October 1987),
Lady Shiva (Sandra Woosan, later revised to "Shiva Wu-San")  -_000_55

Posts : 2824
Join date : 2012-06-17
Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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Lady Shiva (Sandra Woosan, later revised to "Shiva Wu-San")  Empty Re: Lady Shiva (Sandra Woosan, later revised to "Shiva Wu-San")

Post by Mbast1 Tue Sep 01, 2020 6:07 pm

She was such a big presence in The Question, I wanted to read more but I couldn't find the Richard Dragon comics mostly. Now, they're really expensive.

Posts : 1722
Join date : 2012-02-02

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Lady Shiva (Sandra Woosan, later revised to "Shiva Wu-San")  Empty Re: Lady Shiva (Sandra Woosan, later revised to "Shiva Wu-San")

Post by MajorHoy Tue Sep 01, 2020 9:48 pm

Mbast1 wrote:She was such a big presence in The Question, I wanted to read more but I couldn't find the Richard Dragon comics mostly. Now, they're really expensive.
Look what's coming out next year!
Lady Shiva (Sandra Woosan, later revised to "Shiva Wu-San")  51tstn10
Richard Dragon, Kung Fu Fighter: Coming of the Dragon!
By Dennis O’Neil
Illustrated by Ric Estrada
Category: Graphic Novels & Manga
Feb 09, 2021
ISBN 9781779508102
From the 1970s kung-fu craze come these tales of American martial artist Richard Dragon as he crisscrosses the globe in the cause of justice.

In these action-packed 1970s tales, American martial artist Richard Dragon criss-crosses the globe in the cause of justice. Along the way, he runs across slavery rings, a madman who has possession of an atomic bomb, the monstrous Preying Mantis, the mysterious Doctor Moon, and much more.

Collects Richard Dragon, Kung-Fu Fighter #1-18, The Brave and the Bold #132, and DC Comics Presents #39.

Posts : 2824
Join date : 2012-06-17
Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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Lady Shiva (Sandra Woosan, later revised to "Shiva Wu-San")  Empty Re: Lady Shiva (Sandra Woosan, later revised to "Shiva Wu-San")

Post by Mbast1 Wed Sep 02, 2020 10:05 pm

MajorHoy wrote:Look what's coming out next year!

I saw you posted this in another thread, thanks! I can definitely see me buying this.

Now I just need to find the novel.

Posts : 1722
Join date : 2012-02-02

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Lady Shiva (Sandra Woosan, later revised to "Shiva Wu-San")  Empty Re: Lady Shiva (Sandra Woosan, later revised to "Shiva Wu-San")

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