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Golden Age Starman (Ted Knight)

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Golden Age Starman (Ted Knight) Empty Golden Age Starman (Ted Knight)

Post by MajorHoy Mon Sep 07, 2020 4:26 pm

NOTE: This thread is intended to discuss just the original version of Starman (Ted); other threads may be coming in the future (either created by myself or anyone else who wishes to do so) to discuss his sons (David and Jack) as well as other unrelated heroes who have been named "Starman".
Golden Age Starman (Ted Knight) -_000_87
from All-Star Squadron #10 (June 1982)

First appearance: Adventure Comics #61 (April 1941)
Golden Age Starman (Ted Knight) -_001_73
Golden Age Starman (Ted Knight) -_001a81
Golden Age Starman (Ted Knight) -_001b72
Golden Age Starman (Ted Knight) -_001c66
Golden Age Starman (Ted Knight) -_001d55

Posts : 2820
Join date : 2012-06-17
Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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Golden Age Starman (Ted Knight) Empty Re: Golden Age Starman (Ted Knight)

Post by tony ingram Thu Sep 10, 2020 10:35 am

I was pleased to see Ted restored to prominence in Justice League a year or so back, but he seems to have vanished again. Maybe when/if we get that long promised JSA series...
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Golden Age Starman (Ted Knight) Empty Re: Golden Age Starman (Ted Knight)

Post by MajorHoy Thu Sep 10, 2020 3:32 pm

tony ingram wrote:I was pleased to see Ted restored to prominence in Justice League a year or so back, but he seems to have vanished again. Maybe when/if we get that long promised JSA series...
But, who ever "promised" there would be one? Rolling Eyes

I think it was really just a lot of loose talk and speculation back then.

Posts : 2820
Join date : 2012-06-17
Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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