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Rainbow Archer (Albrecht Raines)

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Rainbow Archer (Albrecht Raines) Empty Rainbow Archer (Albrecht Raines)

Post by MajorHoy Thu Sep 10, 2020 8:26 pm

First appearance: Adventure Comics #246 (March 1958):
Rainbow Archer (Albrecht Raines) -_001_85
Rainbow Archer (Albrecht Raines) -_001b78
Rainbow Archer (Albrecht Raines) -_001c72
Rainbow Archer (Albrecht Raines) -_001d60
Rainbow Archer (Albrecht Raines) -_001e39
Rainbow Archer (Albrecht Raines) -_001f27
The story was later reprinted in Four Star Spectacular #5 (November-December 1976), which is when I read it.  The Rainbow Archer showed up again in World's Finest Comics #244 (April-May 1977) in a Black Canary story.
Rainbow Archer (Albrecht Raines) -_002_64

Does anybody know if Albrecht Raines ever teamed-up with Roy G. Bivolo, perhaps better known as the Rainbow Raider?
Rainbow Archer (Albrecht Raines) -_003_33

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Join date : 2012-06-17
Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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