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Steve Malone, District Attorney

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Steve Malone, District Attorney Empty Steve Malone, District Attorney

Post by MajorHoy Fri Nov 27, 2020 3:57 pm

First appearance: Detective Comics #18 (August 1938)
Steve Malone, District Attorney _001_c89
NOTE: It's difficult finding a good copy of this story online.

Steve Malone, District Attorney _001a127
Steve Malone, District Attorney _001b110
Steve Malone, District Attorney _001c_98
Steve Malone, District Attorney _001d_85
Steve Malone, District Attorney _001e_72
Steve Malone, District Attorney _001f_46

It looks like the Steve Malone, District Attorney feature appeared in Detective Comics between issues #18 and #59 (January 1942 issue), though it did not appear in every one of those issue. Two episodes were also featured in Adventure Comics during 1939.

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