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Any current comic books about knights in the Middle Ages?

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Any current comic books about knights in the Middle Ages? Empty Any current comic books about knights in the Middle Ages?

Post by MajorHoy Fri Sep 26, 2014 3:27 pm

I've recently gotten interested again in stories with knights and castles and such . . . not so much fantasy stories with elves, dwarves, and other species, but more like:
Any current comic books about knights in the Middle Ages? 2002-1683-2164-1-brave-and-the-bold-
The Silent Knight

Any current comic books about knights in the Middle Ages? 2195-1683-2386-1-brave-and-the-bold-
Robin Hood

Any current comic books about knights in the Middle Ages? 1659-1701-1788-1-black-knight
The Black Knight

But, unfortunately, those kind of books / characters don't seem that popular here in the states.

(Though there are comic books with Conan the Barbarian and with Red Sonja.)

We did have Demon Knights from DC (New 52) with a group set after the fall of Camelot, but that title was cancelled.

Is there perhaps more interest in that genre / time period over in the UK, or is this something like Western / cowboy comic book stories here in the US that use to be popular 50 or so years ago but aren't really available these days?

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Any current comic books about knights in the Middle Ages? Empty Re: Any current comic books about knights in the Middle Ages?

Post by tony ingram Fri Sep 26, 2014 3:30 pm

I think, like Westerns, it's simply a genre that's currently out of favour. Westerns were popular here 50 years ago, but nobody is interested now. These things go in cycles, though.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Any current comic books about knights in the Middle Ages? Empty Re: Any current comic books about knights in the Middle Ages?

Post by tony ingram Fri Sep 26, 2014 4:08 pm

It's kind of like war comics. When I was a kid in the 70s, they were everywhere, because most kids had parents or grandparents who'd fought in the war. Nowadays, nobody seems interested. A shame, I think.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Any current comic books about knights in the Middle Ages? Empty Re: Any current comic books about knights in the Middle Ages?

Post by MajorHoy Fri Sep 26, 2014 8:07 pm

tony ingram wrote:It's kind of like war comics. When I was a kid in the 70s, they were everywhere, because most kids had parents or grandparents who'd fought in the war. Nowadays, nobody seems interested. A shame, I think.
I think "War comics" have just changed and evolved to the point where science fiction war stories are what kiddies are more into these days.

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Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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Any current comic books about knights in the Middle Ages? Empty Re: Any current comic books about knights in the Middle Ages?

Post by tony ingram Sat Sep 27, 2014 7:24 am

DC Thomson's Commando is still running over here, after 53 years, and its sales are remarkably steady. They launched a digital version in 2011, and subscriptions to the print copy immediatedly tripled! And it's still putting out the same very traditional war stories it always has, eight times a month.
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Age : 54
Location : The Wilds of Suffolk

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