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Golden Age Star Sapphire (of the Seventh Dimension?)

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Golden Age Star Sapphire (of the Seventh Dimension?) Empty Golden Age Star Sapphire (of the Seventh Dimension?)

Post by MajorHoy Sat Jul 18, 2020 8:50 pm

First (of two) Golden Age appearance: All-Flash #32 (December 1947 - January 1948).
Golden Age Star Sapphire (of the Seventh Dimension?) -_001_22
Golden Age Star Sapphire (of the Seventh Dimension?) -_001b13
Golden Age Star Sapphire (of the Seventh Dimension?) -_001c12
Golden Age Star Sapphire (of the Seventh Dimension?) -_001d12
Golden Age Star Sapphire (of the Seventh Dimension?) -_001e12
Golden Age Star Sapphire (of the Seventh Dimension?) -_001f11
Golden Age Star Sapphire (of the Seventh Dimension?) -_001g10
Golden Age Star Sapphire (of the Seventh Dimension?) -_001h10

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Join date : 2012-06-17
Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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