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Golden Age Wildcat (Ted Grant)

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Golden Age Wildcat (Ted Grant) Empty Golden Age Wildcat (Ted Grant)

Post by MajorHoy Wed Aug 26, 2020 2:44 am

First appearance: Sensation Comics #1
(cover-dated January 1942, but on-sale November 5th, 1941 according to the GCD).

However, I first read this story when it was reprinted in Secret Origins #3 (July-August 1973)
Golden Age Wildcat (Ted Grant) Secret36

Golden Age Wildcat (Ted Grant) -_001a50
Golden Age Wildcat (Ted Grant) -_001b40
Golden Age Wildcat (Ted Grant) -_001c36
Golden Age Wildcat (Ted Grant) -_001d30
Golden Age Wildcat (Ted Grant) -_001e21
Golden Age Wildcat (Ted Grant) -_001f15
Golden Age Wildcat (Ted Grant) -_001g12

And from Who's Who:  The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe Vol. XXV (March 1987)
Golden Age Wildcat (Ted Grant) -_000_38

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Golden Age Wildcat (Ted Grant) Empty Re: Golden Age Wildcat (Ted Grant)

Post by tony ingram Fri Aug 28, 2020 10:39 am

Beautiful stuff. And now, he's finally back! Very Happy Did anyone else read the Wildcat solo story in the DC romance one shot a few months ago?
tony ingram
tony ingram

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Age : 55
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