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Bronze Age Manhunter (Mark Shaw)

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Bronze Age Manhunter (Mark Shaw) Empty Bronze Age Manhunter (Mark Shaw)

Post by MajorHoy Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:00 pm

First appearance: 1st Issue Special #5 (August 1975)
Bronze Age Manhunter (Mark Shaw) -_000_76
Bronze Age Manhunter (Mark Shaw) -_000a20
NOTE: That isn't Mark Shaw on the first page of the story.
The idea of a centuries-old Manhunter organization was also introduced in this tale by Jack Kirby.
Mark Shaw himself would enter the story on page nine.
Bronze Age Manhunter (Mark Shaw) -_001b60
Bronze Age Manhunter (Mark Shaw) -_001c54
Bronze Age Manhunter (Mark Shaw) -_001d44
Bronze Age Manhunter (Mark Shaw) -_001e30
Bronze Age Manhunter (Mark Shaw) -_001f18

For the last panel of the issue, we were told
Bronze Age Manhunter (Mark Shaw) -_002_55
But it wouldn't be until about a year-and-a-half later that Mark Shaw's story would be continued by writer Steve Englehart in the pages of Justice League of America.
Bronze Age Manhunter (Mark Shaw) -_003_28


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Location : Connecticut, North America, Eastern Time Zone, USA

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